Possibly the best-ever Plaid Adder (from DU's front page today):
The excuse they've come up with - that this is just Bush "poking fun at himself" - only underlines the narcissism of this administration. Hey, Bush, this thing with the WMDs is not all about you. The fact that you got us into a war over nothing isn't just a personal embarrassment that you can laugh off. Your actions have consequences. We feel them. We would like to feel like you understand that real people are affected by decisions you make, and that your stupidity or lying or corruption has a real - and highly painful - impact on our lives. Is any of this registering? Hello?
But responsibility isn't something this administration understands; and that's exactly what that running gag at the Radio Correspondents' Dinner demonstrated. Here's a man who has, through either his own incompetence or his own corruption, caused thousands of human beings to suffer and die over something that turned out to be entirely imaginary. If he were an ordinary human being, he would be crushed with guilt and remorse.
That's something that Richard Clarke demonstrated last week, when he began his testimony by apologizing to the 9/11 families for having failed them. Clarke has to know, intellectually, that he did not personally cause 9/11; but because it happened on his watch he feels some responsibility, and by apologizing he was letting everyone know that he took that responsibility seriously. He was also impressing upon everyone watching the fact that we will never, ever get such an apology from George W. Bush. George W. Bush doesn't think it's tragic that he got us embroiled in an expensive, messy, brutal war that we didn't have to fight. He, apparently, thinks it's funny.
Well, the rest of us are not laughing. His routine is killing people. Every one of his little pratfalls is costing us; we pay for his blunders in blood. The fact that he does not appear to take himself or his job seriously has become a real problem for us. It is true that his presidency has turned out to be one long, bitter, black joke. But if he were any kind of a decent human being, he wouldn't expect us to laugh at it.