more: Friday February 20, 2009 07:55 CDT
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Santelli Nails it, Panic Optional
Several readers were busy scolding me in the early going on Thursday for my pessimistic outlook on the market. Their emails went to the idea that "Jeez, George, there's no way the market can have a significant decline in the middle of an also-ran options's not even a triple witch..." And the market promptly turned lower and while the lunch-hour event I was expecting Thursday didn't come anywhere near closing the markets, it was, nevertheless, a pretty interesting story - and it's bound to grow going forward: USA Today headlines it as "IRS unlocks UBS vault hiding Americans evading taxes." While the Washington Post's take on it is that "UBS Revealed Far Less than U.S. Sought in Tax Case" the mere allegation that there are 52,000 mostly US citizens hiding taxes from Uncle Sam should be enough to have shaken the markets. It wasn't.
But, let's not overlook that Rick Santelli on CNBC Thursday did a major league rant about government subsidizing 'bad behavior' and asking how is it that those of us who have keep up our house payments (90-95%) are going to have to pick up the tab for people who lived beyond their means (5-10%)? 93% of those responding to the CNBC poll when I looked say they would join the Santelli "Chicago Tea Party."
Santelli's idea for a Chicago Tea Party certainly has some merit, especially when you consider how one of his colleagues on CNBC Thursday (Mark Haines) was trying to ask a slippery-wording CONgresswoman in effect "If the taxpayers bail out someone who is upside down in their home, and the home can later be sold for a large profit, is there any way the taxpayers can get their stake back?"
The answer, which the member of CONgress was not able to give is simple: Of course the taxpayer's gonna get screwed. But, she wasn't about to admit that in front of CNBC's audience. But, at least Haines was trying to get someone from CONgress to admit it...five bonus points.