Published: February 19th, 2009 11:22 PM
Last Modified: February 19th, 2009 11:23 PM
Gov. Sarah Palin appears to be focusing on the negative in the just-passed federal stimulus law, and that could hurt Alaskans suffering from the effects of the national recession. Rather than embrace the economic benefits that the $787 billion package is expected to bring, Palin embraced wholesale the congressional Republicans' criticism of the law.
Palin said in a press release that she's concerned about "integrating" federal stimulus money in the state operating budget -- and increasing programs that might have to be cut when the federal spending boost ends.
It sounds as if she's hyping a hypothetical problem to burnish her conservative national credentials. She governs a state where one-third of the entire economy depends on federal spending. This year's state budget is already bolstered with $2.6 billion of federal money. Tough talk about spurning federal aid is just that -- talk.
Instead of casting such a wary eye on the federal help, Gov. Palin would serve the state better by figuring out how to make the federal stimulus funds deliver the maximum possible benefit for Alaskans.