I don't buy this. No working person expects to "get something for nothing." Nor any retired person, who worked all his or her life, paying into Social Security or other pension funds for minimal life-support in old age. We are a country of highly productive workers, and also hard-working small business people, who pay more than our fair share of taxes, for the common welfare--schools, roads, emergency services, libraries, hospitals, the military budget, etc., etc. We
don't ever get anything for nothing. We are well aware of this.
It is NOT US who expect to get "something for nothing." It is the rich and the corporate who rule over us. And I'm just a bit surprised to see William Kunstler, of all people, writing as if he includes himself in this out-of-control, fascist ruling class ("
our wish to get something for nothing..."). But I will give him the benefit of the doubt. People often get sloppy with the rhetorical "we." I did it myself, just today on another thread. Someone asked, what is the war in Afghanistan
for? I said that "we" would go to any length, including bankruptcy and starvation, to keep killing Afghan civilians, cuz that's what we do. But I didn't mean me and you and most Americans. I meant the war profiteers and the politicians in their power.
I don't approve of depressing leftist analysis that does not offer practical ideas for how the American people can restore our democracy--especially sloppy analysis that blames the victims. And here I do not give Kunstler the benefit of the doubt. He is talking crap--and sloppy crap at that...
"No good, in fact, will come of a campaign to sustain the unsustainable, which is exactly what the Obama program is starting to look like. In the folder marked "unsustainable" you can file most of the artifacts, usufructs, habits, and expectations of recent American life: suburban living, credit-card spending, Happy Motoring, vacations in Las Vegas, college education for the masses, and cheap food among them. All these things are over. The public may suspect as much, but they can't admit it to themselves, and political leadership has so far declined to speak the truth about it for them -- in short, to form a useful consensus that will allow us to move forward effectively. One of the sad paradoxes of politics is that democracies do not seem very good at disciplining their citizens' behavior. The wish to please voters and the influence of campaign money overwhelm even leaders with mature instincts. In America's case, this could lead to what I like to call corn-pone Naziism a few years down the road. Someone will design snazzy uniforms and get us all marching around to "God Bless America." At the point of a gun.
"It's not too late for President Obama to start uttering these truths so that we can avoid a turn to fascism and get on with the real business of America's next phase of history -- living locally, working hard at things that matter, and preserving civilized culture. What a lot of us can see now staring out of the abyss is a new dark age. I don't think it's necessarily our destiny to end up that way, but these days we're not doing much to avoid it." (EMPHASIS ADDED)
So, now democracy is at fault! What nonsense! What lazy thinking! It is the
lack of democracy that is at fault--the grave, specific harms to democracy by the people who "expect to get something for nothing forever." The super-rich. The war profiteers. The corpo/fascists. So, I will make a practical suggestion, regarding the most fundamental condition for democracy that we need to restore--our right to vote and to count our votes in public view...
Stop whining--like Kunstler does here--and DO something. If you want Obama to succeed, and to be able to speak the full truth, and do what's needed, and you want to prevent another and worse fascist coup--a full on nazi coup--in 2012...