In hearing where politics reigns supreme over the people’s business and where possible presidential bids are starting now coming from the Republican Party, all should be ashamed. Then again, one must have morals to exhibit such emotions.
When it comes stimulus funds, governors like Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana , Gov. Mark Sanford of South Carolina as well as Gov. Haley Barber of Mississippi are saying to their own constituents, “Drop dead while we play politics.” I heard yesterday that a constituent of Sanford pled his case since he had lost his job and Sanford’s response was, I will pray for you. Often the result which comes from prayers, are actions realized. In this case Sanford is allowing the pain and suffering to continue unabated. That is not leadership but complete arrogance. Also this act is not very Christian like. In my opinion, Christ would have demanded that vanity comes second to helping one’s fellow human being.
Governors such as Arnold Schwarzenegger whose state’s debt simply floors one asked that stimulus money rejected by these governors go to his state. Rock on, Governor Schwarzenegger! After all, California is the eighth largest economy in the world.
I then thought of my state which is dealing with its own budget cuts and want that money. Presently hospitals like Stony Brook Hospital which is an outstanding teaching hospital is facing cuts to burn units as well as other critical services. Those who lay in such utter physical pain scream out for relief.