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My Baseless Speculation Over Bobby Jindal’s New Web Ads

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Joanne98 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-24-09 01:36 PM
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My Baseless Speculation Over Bobby Jindal’s New Web Ads
POSTED BY: Dennis DiClaudio

This is how I imagine the conversation around these Bobby Jindal ads went down…

Republican Marketing Guy #1: Hey, man, I need your help. I have to make these web ads for Bobby Jindal’s response to Obama’s speech on Tuesday night, and I can’t figure out the exact perfect note to strike with them.

Republican Marketing Guy #2: Why not just make him look like some kind of an aging Bollywood-ish lounge singer heartthrob guy for grandmothers and women with too many cats?

Republican Marketing Guy #1: Hmmmm…. maybe. But it just seemed not quite right.

Republican Marketing Guy #3: (leaning over cubicle wall) I know what you should do. Make him look like one of those best-selling new-age authors who also sells a line of vitamins that supposedly cure cancer and turns up on Oprah every few weeks.

Republican Marketing Guy #2: No way! Go with the lounge singer!

Republican Marketing Guy #3: Fuck you, man. Lounge singers are for d-bags. Use the new age author!

Republican Marketing Guy #2: What if I took that new age author and jammed it up your urethra sideways?!

Republican Marketing Guy #3: You try it and you’ll be using your balls as a tongue for the next year.

Republican Marketing Guy #2: What the fuck does that even mean?!

Republican Marketing Guy #3: I don’t know! I heard some guy say it on the bus the other day!!

Republican Marketing Guy #1: Hmmm… Maybe I’ll use both ideas.

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StopTheNeoCons Donating Member (608 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-24-09 02:06 PM
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1. Can you change the thread title to Piyush Jindal (his real name)
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Myrina Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-24-09 03:31 PM
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2. LOL most of the low info voters watching will think he's the star of Slumdog ...
... and wonder why that actor-kid is giving a political speech? :shrug:
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