link on how Republicons plan to loot our social security was posted about 10 days ago. It lays out how a very elderly billionaire, Pete Peterson, plans to con congress into looting our social security. He plans to con Congress into holding hands, and come up with a "bipartisan" plan to "fix" Social Security in a committee. Then push it onto the floor for a simple up or down vote. The beauty of his plan is that this would give cover to both parties and no one would be able to point a finger at any one cheating congress critter.
Well, what the story in The Nation doesn't tell you is that
it is already in the works. My scheming
Senator Bob Corker had a telephonic town hall meeting yesterday. In it he reassured one very nervous elderly man that he had no plans to take away, or reduce his Social Security. But during the next question he explained how it would be in Americas best interest to pick
4 Democrats and 4 republicons in a bipartisan committee, come up with a social security "fix" then push it onto the floor for a simple up or down vote.
So good old Bob Corker lied to his elderly constituent and is pushing Pete Peterson's bait and switch scheme with Social Security. Stand by, remember how Corker/Porker tried to break the backs of the Unions over a loan for the car companies? Corker/Porker is bushII and would love to turnover our Social Security to Wall Street. He does not care about how many lives he will ruin or how many elderly people will die without their monthly Social Security checks.