"Thou Shalt Not BlogObama's OLC nominee discovers the perils of "blogging, advocating, and speeching."
By Dahlia LithwickPosted Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2009, at 7:45 PM ET
Dawn Johnsen.Dawn JohnsenAt her Senate judiciary committee hearing this afternoon, Dawn Johnsen must show why she is fit to be head of the Office of Legal Counsel, the supersecret government office tasked with advising the executive branch on the law. And professor Johnsen is repeatedly scolded for her tarnished history as an "advocate." In the weeks since she was nominated for this job, she has been tarred on the far right as an abortion-loving, terrorist-coddling nut job, despite unimpeachable legal credentials and bipartisan support. The diminutive university professor, mother of two, and Methodist Sunday-school teacher speaks in tones just this side of "whispery." And with armies of cousins, aunts, and preteen sons arrayed beyond her today, it's tough to see her as anybody's zealot. Still, Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., accuses her outright of "blogging, advocating, and speeching for the opposite side."
more on yesterday's proceedings-- Slate tongue in cheek: