Folks, the jokes write themselves these days. After comparing Bobby Jindal to Slumdog Millionaire (!), RNC prez Michael Steele worked on developing his street cred with radio show host Curtis Sliwa. Please, people -- protect your keyboards, this is my last warning...
Curtis Sliwa: When you used the hip-hop vernacular, man, Barack Obama has bling bling in this stimulus package, you got people's attention.
Michael Steele: Absolutely. There's a lot of bling bling -- the bling bling's got bling bling in this package. That's how bad it is.
Curtis Sliwa: You ain't ever gonna get Mitt Romney in a room with Ludacris high fiving over the RNC.
Michael Steele: Watch him, watch me. Look, I'll never forget when I got Russell Simmons and former chairman Ed Gillespie in the same room in 2004. It can happen and it will happen. This party has got to take it's head out of it's you know what and recognize that America doesn't look like America in 1952. That America now is something very different, very beautiful -- that has a lot of strips and strains to it. But, it's real and we've got to get in the real.
...Michael Steele: I would think that she would understand what i meant when i used the term hip-hop. I wasn't talking literally the music industry -- Ludacris or Snoop Dog becoming Republicans. Look -- I'm not stupid I was born in DC on 8th Street. I know what's up. I know what time it is. I used to hang out in Brooklyn and in the Bronx as a teenager. I know what the real world is like.
...Curtis Sliwa: I gotta call for a little Jay-Z play to give you a little hand here -- so that you can go out with that (Jay-Z music playing).
Michael Steele: There you go, playa.
BONUS: the deranged Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) was at CPAC and said this (again, keyboard protectors on):
As Steele concluded his remarks, Minnesota Rep. Michelle Bachmann -- the event's moderator -- told Steele he was "da man."
"Michael Steele! You be da man! You be da man," she said.
Nooooooooooooo. Help me. Is this the kind of being "down with the colored folk" BS we're going to hear all during Steele's tenure?