Humanity has shifted its karma into surpassing gear and political climate change has come to America. Thanks to a grassroots up-wising, we the people huffed and puffed together in the same direction and the winds of change blew in a breath of fresh air. And we can all breathe easier.
The vote in November was more than a vote for a new President. It was a vote for a new precedent – to overgrow the "lowest common dominator" paradigm and take a step towards government of the people, by the people, for the people, where the government does our bidding, not the bidding of the highest bidder and where the Golden Rule can finally overrule the rule of gold. In the short term, the up-wising has been successful and the American Evolution has begun. The first big shots have been fired and we are on the road to recovering from an eight-year bout with Mad Cowboy Disease and Electile Dysfunction.
But now, if we want to heal the body politic of conditions like Deficit Inattention Disorder, Truth Decay and the deadliest one of all, an unchecked Military Industrial Complex, we must elect ourselves. Spiritually, it's time to quiet our barking dogmas and evolve past the Ten Commandments to an even greater realization – the One Suggestion: "We are all in it together." Once a critical mass of us chooses to live by this credo, we can avoid the critical massacre called Armageddon, create Disarmageddon instead, and achieve fulfillment as a species, Humanifest Destiny.
The End of the Age of Nefarious?
Every journey into the light is preceded by a dark passage, and our entry into the Age of Aquarius is no different. As predicted in the celebrated quatrain ("When the goon moves into Lincoln's house and stupider aligns with Mars, then greed will guide the planet and fear obscure the stars ..."), the Age of Nefarious delayed the start of the new millennium. But now the quatrain is heading down a new track and soular power is shining a light on the endarkened corridors of soulless power.
Just as the eight-year journey that took us from Whitewater to Blackwater was coming to an end, some overzealous Bush-bashers hurled footwear to give the departing regime one final boot. That was understandable, but unnecessary. Better we should keep our shoes on and use them to stand together at a time when healing wounds is more important than wounding heels. Besides, without Bush there could have been no Obama. His alarming actions awakened more people than Buddha and a body politic in a fear-induced coma miraculously regained consciousness.