Unless an idea is bite sized, nobody can wrap their head around it
Hal Cohen -- World News Trust
Feb. 28, 2009 -- There has been a lot of talk this week about President Obama’s address to the joint session of Congress and Governor Jindal’s Republican response. Much of the media driven punditocracy has admittedly failed at wrapping their heads around most of the ideas debated. This was predictable.
It is not possible to “wrap one’s head” around anything! A head, after all is a mostly solid object with the only extendable piece being the jaw. So, unless an idea is bite sized nobody can wrap their head around it.
Essentially, wrapping one’s head around something is akin to wrapping a bowling ball around something. Be that as it may, I am having a hard time wrapping my hands around something. Ideas, being ephemeral, tend to slip between fingers when one tries to grasp too hard. President Obama’s speech received rave reviews while Governor Jindal’s performance has been panned even by Kool-aid drinkers.
Republicans like Governor Jindal, who rail against the government in pseudo-populist terms, forget that as one long-ago Republican said, our Government is made up OF the people, and is run BY the people, FOR the benefit of the people.