I'm a Democrat, I voted for Obama and travelled outside of my state to campaign for him. I just wanted to drop off a very well-written article by Stuart Rothenberg, who is a non-partisan political analyst. Before I do, I want to say that I agree with what he says and I think that if Democrats continue to pursue these torture trials it will mainly hurt Democrats in elections and be a big stumbling block to Obama's major policy agenda. I really think that pressing Obama too hard for torture trials will make it hard for Obama to pass legislation on healthcare, the Employee Free Choice Act, and Cap & Trade. It will make it very hard to sustain the majorities we have worked so hard to build.
Recently we saw how the Club for Growth kneecapped the GOP by driving out Arlen Specter. Let us not do the same thing to our own party that they do to theirs.
Thank you. Here's the article.
http://rothenbergpoliticalreport.blogspot.com/2009/04/for-obama-deference-is-starting-to.htmlIn the case of Bush interrogation tactics, deferring to Congressional Democrats and to the party’s political left only drew Obama back into the very fray he was trying to avoid and put at risk his agenda for the next year and a half.
There are many compelling reasons to avoid a "truth commission" or Congressional show trial, but purely from a political point of view, a full-scale witch hunt into alleged Bush administration abuses, including the possibility of prosecution of some, is nothing short of nuts.
First, a truth commission such as the one called for by Pelosi and others would soon become the only story, making it all but impossible for Obama to accomplish his policy agenda. If you are looking for something comparable, think Monica Lewinsky plus the Clinton impeachment, and you’ll start to get a sense about the train wreck we’d be heading for.
Second, Democrats already are divided over how to handle the matter. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (Nev.) wants to go much more slowly on investigating Bush interrogation procedures, and you can be sure that there are plenty of Democrats from the South and from rural areas who think that a partisan Democratic show trial of Bush officials would amount to something close to political suicide.
A Democratic Party divided over something as explosive as this would be a party that looks less than completely appealing to all but the most liberal Democratic activists. Don’t Pelosi, Sen. Patrick Leahy (Vt.) and others on the left remember what happened to Republicans when they tried to take their pound of flesh from President Bill Clinton?
Third, Democratic efforts to publicly destroy former Bush officials surely would run counter to the mood that Obama has tried to create since his election. The president seems truly committed to trying to change the tone in Washington, and while Republicans haven’t been exactly rushing to embrace him, the president doesn’t seem interested in starting a partisan war with the GOP. Many on his party’s left have no such disinclination for bitter partisanship.
Fourth, Democrats could find along the way that there isn’t a bright line of responsibility, and some of them could end up being implicated. Democratic leaders were briefed about the interrogation tactics and failed to complain loudly, complicating the issue and making party leaders appear hypocritical.
Finally, ABC News polling director Gary Langer’s April 23 column, "Obama, Cheney and the Politics of Torture," points out that the public’s reaction to what Langer calls "types of coercion" and even to "torture" under certain circumstances is complicated. Democrats could unintentionally hand their political opponents an opportunity to paint them as insufficiently committed to take steps to prevent another terrorist attack.