Here are those who signed the letter.
We of VIPS call for a full, truthful, and public fact-finding process to begin without delay. We ask that you give careful consideration to Senator Carl Levin’s suggestion that the attorney general appoint retired judges with solid reputations for integrity to begin the process. Another viable possibility would be the appointment of an independent “blue-ribbon commission,” perhaps modeled on the Church Committee of the mid-Seventies, to assess any illegal or improper activities and make recommendations for reform in government operations against terrorism.
We commend the administration for releasing the Department of Justice memos attempting to legalize torture. We believe the remaining relevant information must be released promptly so that the citizenry can make informed judgments about what was done in our name and, if warranted, an independent prosecutor can be appointed without unnecessary delay. We believe strongly that any judgments regarding amnesty, forgiveness, or pardon can only be made on the basis of a fully developed, public record—and not used as some sort of political bargaining chip. Finally, we firmly oppose the notion that anyone can arrogate a right to ignore the Nuremburg Tribunal’s rejection of “only-following-orders” as an acceptable defense.
(signatories are listed alphabetically with former intelligence affiliations)
Gene Betit, US Army, DIA, Arlington, VA Ray Close, National Clandestine Service (CIA), Princeton, NJ Phil Giraldi, National Clandestine Service (CIA), Purcellville, VA Larry Johnson, CIA & Department of State, Bethesda, MD Pat Lang, US Army (Special Forces), DIA, Alexandria, VA David MacMichael, National Intelligence Council, Linden, VA Tom Maertens, Department of State, Mankato, MN Ray McGovern, US Army, CIA, Arlington, VA Sam Provance, US Army (Abu Ghraib), Greenville, SC Coleen Rowley, FBI, Apple Valley, MN Greg Theilmann, Department of State & Senate Intel. Committee staff, Arlington, VA Ann Wright, US Army, Department of State, Honolulu, HI
3 of these people I have met and talked to and they are very down to earth and I feel they would be perfect.