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Children as Unlamented Victims of Bush’s War Crimes

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struggle4progress Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-02-09 08:19 AM
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Children as Unlamented Victims of Bush’s War Crimes
Torture has received the most attention among the many war crimes of the Bush administration. But those who support Bush’s pursuit of the “war on terror” have not been impressed by recriminations over torture. Worse than torture are the murders of at least 50 prisoners in Abu Ghraib, Afghanistan, and Guantánamo, but again the hard-hearted are unimpressed when those whom they perceive as terrorists receive illegal extrajudicial capital punishment.

The case for abusing children, however, is more difficult to support. The best kept secret of the Bush’s war crimes is that thousands of children have been imprisoned, tortured, and otherwise denied rights under the Geneva Conventions and related international agreements. Yet both Congress and the media have strangely failed to identify the very existence of child prisoners as a war crime. In the Islamic world, however, there is no such silence. Indeed, the prophet Mohammed was the first to counsel warriors not to harm innocent children.

The first example of war crimes against children, which are well documented, occurred during the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, when the children’s hospital in Kabul was bombed, its patients thereby murdered, contrary to the Red Cross Convention of 1864. Other children were killed as “collateral damage” during the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, contrary to the Geneva Convention ban on indiscriminate killing in wartime, though numbers of dead are unknown. During spring 2004, during the assault on Falluja, Iraq, some 300 children, including peaceful demonstrators, were killed. Their dead bodies were filmed live on al-Jazeera Television throughout the Arabic-speaking world.

In 2008, the Bush administration reported to the UN-assisted Committee on the Rights of the Child that the United States from 2002 had detained 2,400 children in Iraq and 100 in Afghanistan, though another source claims that the figure for Afghanistan is at least 800 boys, aged 10 to 15, from whom as many as 64 were sent to Guantánamo, of which there were 21 as of May 2008. That month, the Committee upbraided the United States for charging minors with war crimes instead of treating underage persons as victims of war. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s two children, aged 7 and 9, were separately detained to intimidate him to confess ...
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ConcernedCanuk Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-02-09 11:35 AM
Response to Original message
1. Children - why have we forgotten and abandoned them?

USA has killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis since it's initiation of empirical aggression on the ME in the early 90's

many of the soldiers they killed had children,

what happens to them?

Of course, there's that "collateral damage" thingie where if a few(dozen, hundred, thousand) kids die so the USA can kill it's imaginary bogey man - then that's ok?


USA better never lose that humongous war-machine they got going, cuz if the bully on the block loses his weapons - -

there's gonna be a lot of payback going on - -

From over half the world's nations

USA IS the TERROR nation!

ask any one that is NOT a USAmerican . . .



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Baby Snooks Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-02-09 12:10 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. "It's worth it..."
The mindset hasn't changed much since Madeline Albright slipped on her very slippery tongue and uttered those words. Stating quite clearly that the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children was worth it. It still is.

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ConcernedCanuk Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-03-09 08:23 PM
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3. struggle4progress well named - - we'll be struggling for quite a while I think.

Even the SuperPower cant figure out to handle their occupied lands.

SEVEN YEARS in a "defenseless"Iraq and the country is worse off than it was before the Bush 2 invasion

after a decade of sanctions and bombing everything that moved,

the "Superpower" is floundering - as it has ever since "Mission Accomplished" was declared.

If the mission was to create a hot(hotter) bed in the Middle East - then "Mission Accomplished".

If the mission was to give the Iraqis a better life style . . .

'nuff said . .

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