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Iraq bloodshed rises as US allies defect

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cal04 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-02-09 06:22 PM
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Iraq bloodshed rises as US allies defect
Obama’s withdrawal pledge is at risk as militias paid by the US begin to rejoin the insurgency

IRAQ is threatened by a new wave of sectarian violence as members of the “Sons of Iraq” – the Sunni Awakening militias that were paid by the US to fight Al-Qaeda – begin to rejoin the insurgency.

If the spike in violence continues, it could affect President Barack Obama’s pledge to withdraw all combat troops from Iraqi cities by the end of June. All US troops are due to leave the country by 2012.

A leading member of the Political Council of Iraqi Resistance, which represents six Sunni militant groups, said: “The resistance has now returned to the field and is intensifying its attacks against the enemy. The number of coalition forces killed is on the rise.”

The increase in attacks by such groups, combined with a spate of bombings blamed on Al-Qaeda, has had a chilling effect on the streets of Iraq. More than 370 Iraqi civilians and military – and 80 Iranian pilgrims – lost their lives in April, making it the bloodiest month since last September. On Wednesday, five car bombs exploded in a crowded market in Sadr City, Baghdad, killing 51 people and injuring 76. Three US soldiers were killed on Thursday and two more yesterday when a gunman in Iraqi army uniform opened fire near Mosul.

The resistance council recently issued a call to disaffected Sons of Iraq to take up arms against US and Iraqi troops after the government of Nouri al-Maliki failed to integrate them into the national security forces.
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Diclotican Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-02-09 07:05 PM
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1.  cal04

You can't bribe others to be your friends for a long time.. For some time maybe, but not for long.. And that is maybe what have happend here, how many US dollar have been put into the hands of this "sons of Iraq"?.. By now it must be in the billions, becouse from 2004 and forward, the US bribed the Sunny militias with 800.000 dollar every month, to kee some type of peace in the area.. And now their "friends" are starting to walk away from the deal, and claim some "reason" for doing it too...

This was something I was warning about, for some year now, that to bribe this type of "militas" are not the best way to try to solve the iraqi problem.. Was laft out the door by the right wing/Bush loyalist becouse it looked like it worked.. Today I would say I got it right, and today I would say, this right wing asses should be ashamed to belive that they coul'd bribe the groups, to not stick a knife in their back when they wanted it.. You can get a lot of weapon for 800.000 dollar every month for more than 5 year... So I guess they have gotten A lot of weapons in the possession after so many year with a steady economical backing - from the enemy as they se the US as

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lib2DaBone Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-02-09 08:35 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. C'Mon Obama..Bring these kids home..quit the bloodshed
I know.. there are no jobs once they get here.

How about spending some of that TARP money to rebuild our rail systems, water systems, internet and electrical grid?

Sorry to bring up such a silly proposal....

Does ANYONE in the FEDERAL government support the rebuilding of America?
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