Not Only Does Bybee Show No Remorse, He'd Write The Same Torture
Memos AGAIN!
First they floated sympathetic stories that Jay Bybee, currently a
lifetime appellate judge for the 9th Circuit, had "private regrets"
about his role in writing the torture memos. But when he finally and
actually opened his own mouth in public yesterday, he declared he
still believed they represented a "good faith analysis of the law".
In other words, given a chance, he'd do the same thing again today,
in exactly the same way.
This is beyond outrageous. No contrition, no remorse, just the same
self-serving self-justification which led to him signing off on
indefensible and long settled war crimes in the first place. He is
practically shouting at us, "Stop me before I write another legal
atrocity!" Which he will, over and over, if not removed from the
federal bench immediately. For the second time this week we agree
with the N.Y. Times. If he is not capable of enough shame to resign,
he must be impeached.
Impeach Bybee Action Page: The fact is that Bybee prostituted his legal integrity for his own
personal advancement, a ticket to a lifetime appointment by a Bush
administration that was only handing out such plums to WILLING
slavish ideological sycophants. All we can expect from him are more
meritless and slanted opinions like the one by an all Republican
panel recently that said political prisoner Don Siegelman should be
locked up again.
So please submit the action page from the link above, and if you have
not yet spoken out to have the Justice Department vacate Don
Siegelman's wrongful prosecutions, and to demand enforcement of the
subpoenas against Karl Rove, please ALSO submit the action page for
that at the link below as well.
Siegelman Action Page: We want to emphasize that the very powerful one click action pages
above are the PRIMARY way we are providing as a way to respond to
these alerts. But at the same time we want you to know have also
created alternative response paths if they are more convenient for
To speak out on these same issues through Twitter, send this reply on
the Bybee impeachment
@cxs #p980
and this Twitter reply to support Don Siegelman and jam Karl Rove
@cxs #p979
Remember if you are doing the Twitter thing not to combine the two
issues in one reply, it is simple enough to send one, then the other,
in succession, and you can add a brief personal comment to each if
you like. And if you want a step by step explanation of how to set up
the Twitter thing here is the link for that.
Twitter Activism Step-By-Step: What To Do About Arlen Specter, the premier source for the people's opinion, has a
whole page dedicated to articles about the Specter "I'd rather switch
that fight." And we especially recommend the piece by Stephen Crockett who makes
many of the points we make ourselves below. Everyone is happy that the Democrats now have at least a part time
potential filibuster breaker in Specter. We are happy about that as
well ... for the moment. But not so happy that we don't think we
can't and shouldn't do better.
With the Republican party in decline ANY Democrat would have beaten
the Republican nominee in the 2010 Senate race in PA. Specter for his
own part saw that he would not even win his own primary, and in an
act of pure political opportunism, frighteningly reminiscent of Joe
Lieberman's side switching, suddenly came in from the cold. But just
because he wants to run AS as a Democrat does not MAKE him a
Lest we so quickly forget, Specter is the guy who just LAST month
practically crucified Attorney General Holder at his confirmation
hearing in a way that can only be characterized as testy and
mean-spirited, and Specter still won't support The Employee Free
Choice Act. At a minimum, progressive labor groups in PA should rally
behind ONE challenger NOW to Specter in the Democratic primary, which
is still nearly a year off, if for nothing else than to force Specter
to vote with the team a bit more in the meantime.
If anything, the move by Specter makes it MORE likely for a true
progressive to prevail as the Democratic nominee, since it is no
secret that Senate Democrats promised not to field one of their usual
corporate types in opposition if Specter came over. This leaves the
field wide open for the candidate we the people really want, if only
they go to work NOW building their base and their campaign.
Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed
to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.
If you would like to get alerts like these, you can do so at