In a May 07, 2009 letter to David Vitter, James Lee Witt, who served as Director under President Bill Clinton said the following:
I am writing in support of swift confirmation for President Obam’s nominee to head FEMA, Craig Fugate. In addition to the imminent beginning of hurricane season, spring flooding in the Midwest, tornadoes in the South and the California wildfire reminds us all that it is critical that the agency have an able administrator in place and in charge. Having known and worked with Mr. Fugate for a number of years I have every confidence that he will do an outstanding job. Senator, I am very aware of your concerns about delays in reconstruction in Louisiana. As you know, I work on these problems daily and your concerns are real and must be addressed sooner rather than later. In my judgment, the best way to move forward is to confirm Mr. Fugate so that we can start moving to address those delays as well as issues on levees and levee certification, flood insurance and a host of other major preparedness and mitigation challenges that face our country ...