In Pharmacy God's region, there is an insurance company that is owned by one of the local hospitals. The hospital is very reputable and has both good trauma and cardiac units. Since the hospital is held in high regard, most of the people in my area view the insurance company with the same regard.
The insurance company offers several different plans for the local companies, as well as individual plans for those people whose employers don't offer medical insurance.
To the average Joe on the street, the insurance plan looks like they care for the people in the area.
In fact, the insurance company covers about 40 percent of the non-Medicare patients in my county. In the village that I live in, over 80 percent of the businesses have their plans thru this insurer.
As this insurer has grown, it has put the squeeze on all of the providers in the area. The local orthopedics office saw the insurer decrease payments by 40 percent over a two year period. Several of the primary care physicians no longer accept new patients who are insured thru the hospital's plan.
On the pharmacy side, this insurer has been one of the most aggressive at slashing reimbursements since Walmart and its copycats have started offering the $4 prescriptions. And of course the people who negotiate our contract with them have done absolutely nothing to battle this, but that's another post for another time.
This insurance company recently made a move that changed my opinion of them. I used to think of the insurer as just another low-life company.
Now they are at the bottom of all the scum.
This year the insurance company did what insurance companies do..... raised premiums and copays. You know, the stuff they do to make a bigger profit.
But that's not why they are the bottom feeding scum.