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Obama's Military Commission Disaster

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IndianaGreen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-16-09 02:21 PM
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Obama's Military Commission Disaster
Obama's Military Commission Disaster

Shayana Kadidal
Posted: May 15, 2009 11:16 PM

Military trials are, for people living in countries with histories of military rule, redolent of their own periods of dictatorship. Whatever Americans become convinced of regarding their fairness, no one abroad will regard them as any different than President Bush's two rounds of commissions.

That loss of confidence threatens to erode the willingness of ordinary people in foreign countries to work with American law enforcement as their eyes and ears on the ground--just as the same phenomenon happens in our inner cities. It also has the potential to erode the willingness of foreign governments to work with us. Recall that Spain announced after 9/11 that it would not extradite suspects to face trials in the first set of military commissions (the ones created by President Bush in November 2001), and that other European countries have delayed extraditions while assurances were sought that the defendants would be tried in the civilian criminal justice system. Contrast the experience immediately after 9/11, where the trial of the East African embassy bombers in the federal criminal courts in 2000 built the public record necessary to convince the world that simultaneous attacks were a hallmark of Osama bin Laden's organization--and thus allowed the United States to successfully assign blame to Al Qaeda and build a coalition rapidly to intervene against them in Afghanistan. In short, the use of military trial systems threatens our national security.

There are more profound issues of perception at play as well. Recall that in the spring of 2007, when Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the admitted mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, first had an opportunity to defend himself before a military panel (his CSRT), he expressed regret for the deaths of civilian women and children on 9/11 but said, essentially, "that's what happens in war, as you Americans well understand." Placing him before a military court for his trial plays into his desire to portray himself as a military figure engaged in a political struggle with the United States--exactly how he wants to be seen in the Muslim world--rather than as a mass murderer. Ironically, Obama met with 9/11 families just after announcing a policy that will allow their murdered loved ones to be portrayed as "collateral casualties" in a military conflict. The 9/11 planners seem likely to plead guilty in whatever forum they are tried in. The question that needs to be asked now is not whether they will be convicted, but rather what meaning the (worldwide) public will take from their convictions.

What could have provoked President Obama and his advisors to go down this road? Were technical legal concerns at work? Was it "double jeopardy" concerns--did the fact that defendants were charged and juries empanelled before the commissions mean that essentially the same charges could not be brought in domestic court? Not at all--the fact that all commissions offenses required an extra element of proof means this would never have been a problem under the "all-elements" rule. Was it a statute of limitations concern--the idea that too much time had lapsed since 9/11 for charges to be brought in ordinary criminal courts? Again, absolutely not: the limitations period in which an indictment must issue is 8 years for most transnational terrorism offenses, and we are months away from the 8-year anniversary of 9/11. (In fact several current commission defendants are also subject to standing indictments in federal court.)
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FiveGoodMen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-16-09 02:30 PM
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1. K&R
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Demeter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-16-09 02:37 PM
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2. Koolaid--Industrial Strength
or blackmail. Nothing else makes sense.
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Senator Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-16-09 06:16 PM
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3. And Obama Just Gets More And More Popular
At least on the Editorial pages of the Wall Street Journal. Via">Glenn Greenwald...
WSJ 5/16/09
Obama's Military Tribunals
Another Friday, another bow to Bush's antiterror legacy.

President Obama's endorsements of Bush-Cheney antiterror policies are by now routine . . . . Mr. Obama deserves credit for accepting that the civilian courts are largely unsuited for the realities of the war on terror. He has now decided to preserve a tribunal process that will be identical in every material way to the one favored by Dick Cheney . . . Meanwhile, friends should keep certain newspaper editors away from sharp objects. Their champion has repudiated them once again.

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IndianaGreen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-16-09 06:46 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. The same WSJ that is now owned by Rupert Murdoch
Perhaps he can invite Mr. Cheney to the White House for tea.
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ConcernedCanuk Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-16-09 07:05 PM
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5. USA is run by it's military - I think Obama just found out after he got in the WH

I'm not sure if the USA is salvageable without a revolution or major war/invasion.

USA has been run by the Military minds since WW2

JFK tried to assert the power of the White House

and was assassinated.

Military runs the USA - Military and big money.

USA is not a democracy, it is an oligarchy with a phony voting system.

If Obama is fortunate, he will be voted out next election and take his family into a safe life.

The thugs will retake the WH soon, if they have not already - President Obama's actions do not reflect his promises.

I believe that Barack Obama was/is sincere in his motives, but then found out that the WH doesn't have the power he thought it had.

PNACers still run the USA, and much of the World.

It may last a few more decades, maybe even a century or two . . .

But the USA will fall in disgrace.

You cannot go all over the globe slaughtering people and not expect it to come back on you . .

What is that old saying? - you all know it . .

The bigger they are, the harder they fall

yeah that's it

get ready.
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tom_paine Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-17-09 10:59 AM
Response to Reply #5
6. I do believe I agree. It seems insane, but the evidence is there.
I imagine the shit that goes on at the Cheney/PNAC/DLC level is 100% completely different from the shit we are fed by the Toady M$M-aganda.

I imagine it pretty much resembles the behind-the-scenes ruthless machinations of ancient Rome.

Whatever is the actual truth, one thing is certain, whatever is fed to us plebes and proles IS NOT EVEN CLOSE to the actual truth.
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