Sunday, May 17, 2009
... One would think that the people who suggested and implemented these methods should be feeling the brunt of the heat. But, for the moment, the focus has turned to Pelosi, who may or may not have been fully briefed about the tactics in 2002 ...
For weeks, Pelosi was circumspect about when she learned that the CIA was using these harsh techniques on terrorism suspects. According to the CIA, she was present at a September 2002 briefing where they discussed these techniques - but Pelosi says she didn't know waterboarding was being used until 2003. Last week, she accused the CIA of "misleading" Congress.
What is clear is that someone is not telling the truth. What is less clear is whether an objection from Pelosi or anyone else in 2002 - when the administration seemed brazenly contemptuous of the laws against torture - could have stopped the practice ...