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Cheney's Chief Assassin Is Now Obama's Commander in Afghanistan

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laststeamtrain Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-18-09 04:32 AM
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Cheney's Chief Assassin Is Now Obama's Commander in Afghanistan
Cheney's Chief Assassin Is Now Obama's Commander in Afghanistan
By James Petras, Axis of Logic
Posted on May 18, 2009, Printed on May 18, 2009

“The Deltas are psychos…You have to be a certified psychopath to join the Delta Force…”, a US Army colonel from Fort Bragg once told me back in the 1980s. Now President Obama has elevated the most notorious of the psychopaths, General Stanley McChrystal, to head the US and NATO military command in Afghanistan.

McChrystal’s rise to leadership is marked by his central role in directing special operations teams engaged in extrajudicial assassinations, systematic torture, bombing of civilian communities and search and destroy missions. He is the very embodiment of the brutality and gore that accompanies military-driven empire building. Between September 2003 and August 2008, McChrystal directed the Pentagon’s Joint Special Operations (JSO) Command which operates special teams in overseas assassinations.

The point of the ‘Special Operations’ teams (SOT) is that they do not distinguish between civilian and military oppositions, between activists and their sympathizers and the armed resistance. The SOT specialize in establishing death squads and recruiting and training paramilitary forces to terrorize communities, neighborhoods and social movements opposing US client regimes. The SOT’s ‘counter-terrorism’ is terrorism in reverse, focusing on socio-political groups between US proxies and the armed resistance. McChrystal’s SOT targeted local and national insurgent leaders in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan through commando raids and air strikes. During the last 5 years of the Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld period the SOT were deeply implicated in the torture of political prisoners and suspects.

McChrystal was a special favorite of Rumsfeld and Cheney because he was in charge of the ‘direct action’ forces of the ‘Special Missions Units. ‘Direct Action’ operative are the death-squads and torturers and their only engagement with the local population is to terrorize, and not to propagandize. They engage in ‘propaganda of the dead’, assassinating local leaders to ‘teach’ the locals to obey and submit to the occupation. Obama’s appointment of McChrystal as head reflects a grave new military escalation of his Afghanistan war in the face of the advance of the resistance throughout the country.


The White House and the Pentagon claim that the appointment of McChrystal was due to the ‘complexities’ of the situation on the ground and the need for a ‘change in strategy’. ‘Complexity’ is a euphemism for the increased mass opposition to the US, complicating traditional carpet ‘bombing and military sweep’ operations. The new strategy practiced by McChrystal involves large scale, long term ‘special operations’ to devastate and kill the local social networks and community leaders, which provide the support system for the armed resistance.


Putting McChrystal in charge of the expanded Afghanistan-Pakistan military operations means putting a notorious practitioner of military terrorism – the torture and assassination of opponents to US policy – at the center of US foreign policy. Obama’s quantitative and qualitative expansion of the US war in South Asia means massive numbers of refugees fleeing the destruction of their farms, homes and villages; tens of thousands of civilian deaths, and eradication of entire communities. All of this will be committed by the Obama Administraton in the quest to ‘empty the lake (displace entire populations) to catch the fish (armed insurgents and activists)’.

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billyoc Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-18-09 05:11 AM
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1. The bridesmaids will never know what hit them.
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mix Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-18-09 06:03 AM
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2. the destroyer of worlds approach
bad choice
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Buzz Clik Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-18-09 06:22 AM
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3. Wow. James Petras has some very strong opinions about Special Ops and McChrystal.
I wonder how much is simply his opinion. The only quote is from an unnamed source from a colonel in the 1980s.

Word has it that James Petras performs illegal abortions in the backseat of his car and has been taking money from the Russian mafia. Of course, that's just my interpretation....
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laststeamtrain Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-18-09 06:57 AM
Response to Reply #3
4. Yes he does and here's some of the places they've been published:
The New York Times, The Guardian, The Nation, Christian Science Monitor, Foreign Policy, New Left Review, Partisan Review and Le Monde Diplomatique, etc.

So, to sum up, you don't like what he says

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Buzz Clik Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-18-09 07:53 AM
Response to Reply #4
5. An undocumented opinion has no merit beyond opinion regardless of where it's published.
I'd like to challenge him to back up his opinion with some solid facts.

(By the way, if you're going to try to insult someone with a cutesy picture, make sure that it's a functioning link.)
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