by Pete Kotz's police chiefs want to fingerprint people for such minor violations as rolling through a stop sign or allowing their lawn to become overgrown. It's hard to blame them. Anything that expands a fingerprint database naturally makes their job easier. And that, in turn, makes us all safer, right?
Well, not quite. Maybe I'm just getting weird here, but there's something wrong with a law that presumes everyone's a potential felon. It's one thing to force fingerprints when you're nicked for a legitimate crime, like knocking over a liquor store. But it's entirely another matter when granny gets hit for driving 34 through a school zone. Perhaps 90 percent of the population will never commit a significant crime, which speaks to a great deal of wasted effort. And if you're Mr. and Mrs. Law Abiding, haven't you earned the right to live free of these hassles?
What's especially curious is that the bill overwhelmingly passed the Tennessee House. These are the guys so paranoid about big government that they're already preparing for martial law. My question: When the New World Order comes, and they already have our fingerprints, won't it be that much harder to run a respectable guerrilla war?
"These are the guys so paranoid about big government that they're already preparing for martial law."