... Dick Cheney says waterboarding is a valuable tool, one which has produced "a wealth of intelligence" on plans by Al Qaeda and which has kept America safe. What doesn't make sense? That the last time anyone was waterboarded was in 2002. If the technique is so effective, why did the CIA, or Dick Cheney, or whoever not employ it for the past 7 years? ...
Another question: if it's so darned effective, why was it done to one person 183 times in a single month? Either it works or it doesn't. If it works, you might think that 183 times is about 180 times too many, wouldn't you? ...
There are more than 300 others scattered around the prison system in the US (2/3 international terrorists, 1/3 domestic), but suddenly we can't put terrorists in prison? What's going on here?
You see my confusion? Waterboarding works so well, we haven't used it in years. Not waterboarding people makes the country less safe, except even the people who advocate using it weren't using it. Waterboarding is so effective we have to use it hundreds of times on the same person; why? Because he can't resist it? We can't put terrorists in jail, except we already have terrorists in jail ...