We'll see if they keep this going. Wouldn't surprise me.
Ramesh Ponnuru is credited with this little meme but if you follow the link from NRO he doesn't actually ever say it other than a headline with no text http://corner.nationalreview.com/post/?q=YmUwM2UyMGM4ZDBiZDRiNjljOTcwYzU4MmEwNzNiOTM=Obama's Harriet Miers (Ramesh Ponnuru)
My quick take.
<----- this is the only text on the National Review website. It is the link.the link goes to
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/community/groups/index.html?plckForumPage=ForumDiscussion&plckDiscussionId=Cat%3aa70e3396-6663-4a8d-ba19-e44939d3c44fForum%3a5543a34c-af92-4736-b81b-4aad0ab02e2eDiscussion%3a563ad1ad-859c-4245-b650-ee1c85d2fc1bHere's some of what we know about President Obama's nominee to the Supreme Court:
--Judge Sotomayor believes that the courts are "where policy is made."
--She has Democratic colleagues who wonder if she has the intellect to be on the high court.
--She was picked by a president who has announced that he has a pro-abortion litmus test and that he wants judges who will rule with empathy, at least for some groups.
--She has a high reversal rate. In one case, the Supreme Court has voted unanimously to reverse her.
We will doubtless learn more about Sotomayor, both good and bad, in the days to come. But based on the early signs it appears that President Obama has made the crassest of political picks.
What do you think?
So this meme didn't actually happen other than one line and a link to nowhereBTW- I think I spent more time on this thread than he did on the meme :eyes: