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State of Confusion, Political Assault, Gaslighting Lee Atwater/Karl Rove/Roger Ailes Psy-ops

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Stinger2 Donating Member (352 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-26-09 10:34 PM
Original message
State of Confusion, Political Assault, Gaslighting Lee Atwater/Karl Rove/Roger Ailes Psy-ops
State of Confusion, Political Assault, Gaslighting Lee Atwater/Karl Rove/Roger Ailes Psy-ops strategy Immoral Right Wing.

Of course, the corporate media (which controls most book reviews) isn't eager to publicize a book that posits that a large segment of the American population (you can find a chunk of them regularly watching FOX News) have been brainwashed, emotionally manipulated, and embedded with a false sense of reality. That's because the corporate media is one of the main vehicles for accomplishing this Lee Atwater/Karl Rove/Roger Ailes Psy-ops strategy.

The Insider

State of Confusion: Political Manipulation and the Assault on the American Mind

You have to remember millions of dollars are paid to highly educated think tanks, millions are paid by advertisers like ExxonMobil to get you to think robbing you blind at the pumps is just fine, don’t look know but they just emptied your wallets without one person being accountable.

Using complete and udder fear with a dose of catch 22 sprinkled with misguided trust, trusting the media and politicians. They are not working for you, they are corporations that will use any means of unscrupulousness to rob you blind without any accountability to anyone, to use people like tools without conscious.

They used 911 like a weapon, 911 wiped out the banking system then they proceeded to rob the country blind, some call it a Coup?
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BeFree Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-26-09 11:03 PM
Response to Original message
1. Not another conspiarcy theory, eh?
Exxon, et al. do not conspire to steal from us, its just business.
They are looking out for us in a good way, so it's no conspiracy.

And you just had to throw in 9/11, didn't you? 9/11 was no 'New Pearl Harbor' it just looks that way.
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Stinger2 Donating Member (352 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-26-09 11:12 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Read the story, it was not me, who started a conspiracy to attack Iraq?
Read the story, it was not me, who started a conspiracy to attack Iraq? Someone conspired to put anthrax in envelopes, someone conspired to spend billions on voting machines that didn’t work, why not believe you have a bunch on conspiring assholes in the Bush administration?
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BeFree Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-26-09 11:47 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Bush basher, too?
What do you think this is a democratic forum? Iraq attacked us, the anthrax was just a mistake otherwise they'd have caught the homeless person who mailed it, the voting machines worked just fine - Prop 8 in Calif proves it.

And I hang out here:

Look for some of my threads there. Peace and out. Welcome to DU. ;)
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