... Say anything, Dick. As the New West gunslinger, the Bob Knight of the Old Right, you'll never lack for an honorarium as long as there's an American Enterprise Institute or a National Rifle Association. Just please put down that piece and forgive the rest of us for wishing you were as sequestered and reticent now as you were when you had an obligation to face and answer the people.
Even if it were not baseless, Cheney's kibitzing tour in disservice to a sitting, and barely seated, president is an exercise in bad form for which little comparable precedent exists. Has Bill Clinton or Al Gore taken to the circuit to remind us that 9/11 took place on the Bush-Cheney watch? Did George H.W. Bush or Dan Quayle make a mission of dogging Clinton in the 1990s?
If President Barack Obama were wrong to renounce torture, his election opponent, who remains in national office, might be the appropriate one to call him on it. But Sen. John McCain knows some things Citizen Dick Cheney does not -- namely, torture, war and grace. McCain took a stab at being liked by the kind of voter who likes the likes of Cheney, and failed. Good for him. And good for us, that we've got Dick out there kicking us, lest we forget what we're leaving behind.