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Iraq vet forced interrogation threatened beating for defending health rights

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Liberation Angel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-02-09 12:11 PM
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Iraq vet forced interrogation threatened beating for defending health rights
Iraq vet forced interrogation threatened beating for defending health rights

I approached the Army when I got back from Iraq and I was like hey I need to talk to somebody, I need some help, they said come back in two months." (Michael Kern, Iraq Veterans Hold Candlelight Vigil, NVIC, November 11. 2009)

I helped murder people in Iraq for nothing. These are things I'm not proud of whatsoever, and I want to be able to turn this around and bring the people ultimately responsible for this to justice. Because had I known back then what I know now, I never would have signed up in the first place. (Dupre, Resisting soldiers, the New American heroes, Examiner, June 4, 2009)

As the Army conducts a probe into the Fort Hood shootings, units return to prepare for Afghanistan deployment, the newly released Woody Harrelson film, THE MESSENGER (trailer below) depicts hidden pain of U.S. casualties, and Robert Greewald's RETHINK AFGHANISTAN gains viewer momentum, Iraq Veterans Against War (IVAW) members are being targeted for being outspoken about health care needs of fellow soldiers, one threatened with a physical beating by commanding officers for wearing his IVAW shirt, and then forcibly held and interrogated according to IVAW today.

A new Army mental health survey of soldiers in Afghanistan shows morale is down and mental stress increases with increased number of deployments that President Obama continues to commit with disinformation to Americans about ME war increasing national secuirty documented by Robert Greenwald in RETHINK AFGHANISTAN. There is one mental health specialist for approximately 1,100 troops in Afghanistan. The Army says it hopes to improve that ratio to one for every 700 soldiers in Afghanistan, "obviously inadequate" for mental injuries the illegal war causes according to IVAW

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Liberation Angel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-02-09 05:06 PM
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1. geez - isn't this disturbing? IVAW activists held and threatened for demanding gulf vets care?
Just sayin'

This really bothers me. IVAW is among the best only hopes left for this country imho
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