I think that comment was unfair, but I DID Laugh Out Loud.
From the linked article:
"Obama, a brilliant and charismatic politician, was always a conservative corporate Democrat, a self-described believer in "the free market," and an enthusiastic accommodator to the rich and powerful. In the words of one pundit, Obama is Clinton without the sleaze. He would never have been given a favorable vetting by the financial elites who chose our presidential candidates if he represented the slightest threat to their domestic interests and global empire." (my bold)
That doesn't leave much "HOPE" for
The Working Class.
"Those who make peaceful change impossible guarantee violent revolution.---JFK (IIRC)
bvar22's official scorecard for Obama's 1st year:
*The Democratic Wing of the Democratic Party SHUT OUT of the Obama Administration…...Mission Accomplished!
*WARS fully funded and EXPANDING. Bill sent to our children…...Mission Accomplished !
*Trillion Dollars given to friends and campaign contributors on Wall Street. No Strings Attached...Mission Accomplished!
*Military Spending INCREASED....Mission Accomplished!
*Trillion+ Dollars given to the Health Insurance Industry. Token, easily avoidable, symbolic only strings attached....Mission almost Accomplished!
*Kill the possibility for a REAL "Public Option" or REAL Universal Health Care for at least another generation, and begin the “Entitlement Reform” defunding of Medicare (-$500 Billion)....Mission almost Accomplished!
*Block ANY re-regulation of BIG BANKS and Credit Cards....Mission Accomplished!
*Protect the Bush War Criminals and Torturers from JUSTICE....Mission Accomplished.
*Throw the Dirty Hippie Peaceniks, Liberals, and GBLT under the bus....Mission Accomplished!
*Reinforce the worst Police State provisions of the Patriot Act....Mission Accomplished!
*Protect the very richest. Tell the Working Class that they CAN will be forced to compete with 3rd World Slave Labor.....Mission Accomplished!
*EFCA (Employee Free Choice Act) killed in the crib....Mission Accomplished!
*More Anti-LABOR "Free Trade"....Mission almost Accomplished!
*Jobless Recovery....Mission Accomplished
There are those who insist that OBama id doing EXACTLY what he promised, that WE mislead ourselves.
I challenge those people to view the following video from the campaign:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZG8Zq8V54kSo, what can we do?
At this point, ALL we can do is
everything we can to publicly voice our disapproval.We DO have one powerful tool....the Internet.
We MUST use it to target several
PROMINENT BlueDog/DLCers in 2010, and
combine & co-ordinate our NATIONAL efforts to either remove them from office, or
make their primary a living hell.It would dilute our efforts to target ALL of them.
I suggest we focus our efforts on Senator Evan Bayh (Indiana) who is up for re-election in 2010.
Even if we are not able to unseat him, if we are successful at co-ordinating our efforts we CAN send a
strong message to The Conservative Democratic Party that they ignore us at their peril.
"I am a New Democrat!"---Barack OBama
The DLC New Team
Republican Lite ONLY!
Real Democrats Need NOT Apply
(Screen Capped from the DLC Website)