Bernanke's Hyperinflation And Economic Collapse
By Greg Hunter
Dec 4 2009 2:28PM
Yesterday, Federal Reserve Chief Ben Bernanke was in front of the Senate Banking Committee trying to hold on to his job. Some Senators were complimentary on Bernanke’s job. Republican Senator Judd Gregg from New Hampshire gave the Fed Chairman a warm welcome. Judd said, “If you hadn’t been there, and hadn’t been willing to take extraordinary action last fall, last winter, and even early spring … it’s very likely we would be experiencing a depression…” I look at Bernanke’s performance during the financial crisis the same way I would look at a drunken bus driver who crashes and then stumbles around pulling a few children out of the wreckage. In my eyes, Bernanke is hardly a hero.
Republican Jim Bunning from Kentucky, on the other hand, couldn’t have given a colder reception if he greeted Bernanke in the North Pole. Bunning said, in part, “Rather than making management, shareholders, and debt holders feel the consequences of their risk-taking, you bailed them out. In short, you are the definition of moral hazard.” Bunning, a former Major League pitcher, hurled another fast ball at Bernanke’s head when he said, “Because you bowed to pressure from the banks and refused to resolve them or force them to clean up their balance sheets and clean out the management, you have created zombie banks that are only enriching their traders and executives.” Senator Bunning vowed to do everything possible to stop Bernanke’s nomination and to “end the Fed’s failures.”
(Complete video of Senator Bunning’s comments below)
Nice speech, but according to economist John Williams of Shadow Government Statistics, it is too late. In Williams latest report he writes “The United States Economy and Financial System Face an Eventual Great Collapse.” Williams told me in an interview this week that because of all the bailouts, stimulus packages, giveaways and short-term debt, the U.S. has to finance nearly $5 trillion in 2010 alone. That’s about $96 billion in debt auctioned off each and every week!! Williams said, “Someone has to buy those Treasuries, and if no one does, then the Federal Reserve will become buyers of last resort.” The Fed buying that much in Treasuries is the same as printing huge amounts of money. Williams says that “is the tipping point that will start a dollar crisis.” According to Williams, this will produce a “high risk of an ultimate dollar crisis that will begin unfolding in year ahead.”