Because it gets too serious here, and because no one can extract the full humor
out of a Palin like Margaret and Helen.

Going Rogue Without a Condom
Margaret and Helen's blog Margaret, Chapter One of Going Rogue by Sarah Palin ends on page 62. That’s about 61 pages after it should have ended. It has approximately 19,500 words to it, but not one of them was worth reading. It’s all pure crap. If this chapter is any indication of what’s ahead, then it appears Mrs. Palin plans to spend the rest of her life getting even with the world by rewriting history.
The very first page of the book is a map of the globe as seen from the North Pole – I guess to emphasize the proximity of Alaska to Russia. Honestly honey, when is she going to learn that dog don’t hunt?
Her defending us from Russia would be about as effective as Todd Palin’s preferred brand of condoms. Oh yes – Track arrived not quite 8 months after they sprinted to the courthouse to elope. I guess Sarah’s ghost writer didn’t think anyone who reads this book could count.
Margaret, I tried to come to this with an open mind. Really I did, sweetheart. I wanted to believe that there really was something of substance to someone who captured the imagination of millions. Even Barbara Walters has Sarah on her Top 10 list for the year. But it’s just not there, Margaret. Substance. She has none. Not even with a ghost writer. I mean how much respect can you have for a woman who describes the birth of her first son by writing, “Oh. My. Gosh. I thought I was going to die… Had any woman ever hurt this much? I didn’t think so.” Is it possible her ghost writer is a man?
But honestly, why am I so nasty about this woman? First I called her a bitch and now I am suggesting her knees are together about as often has Hillary Clinton appears in public with Bill. Look. There I go again sounding like a dime novel. But her entire attitude and approach to life – the sheer hypocrisy of it all – just really gets my goat. Consider the following excerpt from the book which refers to a State Trooper who pulled her over for an illegal joy ride on a snow machine:
at the link:rofl: