Democrats pushing change from within: Michael K. McIntyre's Tipoff
By Michael K. McIntyre
December 12, 2009, 12:01AM A small group of Cuyahoga County Democratic Party regulars continues to meet weekly to discuss efforts to shake the up the party's old boy network, rewrite the party's bylaws and constitution and bring about the "retirement" of party Chairman Jimmy Dimora -- all to repair the party's reputation...
An arresting invitation: The Republican Party of Cuyahoga County had a little fun with its invitation to the annual Christmas Party this year. With the federal corruption probe continuing to drag on – and with top Democrats in its crosshairs – the invitation came this year in the form of a subpoena...
He'll be here all week: The Ohio Democratic Party showed off its 2010 battle plan during a rally for volunteers, politicians and party insiders Monday at Hilarities, the comedy club inside Pickwick & Frolic on East Fourth Street...
Executive Director Doug Kelley, though, had the energy of a headliner, noting that amongst the 300 attendees were "Republican operatives taking copious notes." Then he went with the blue material, telling the operatives to pay close attention because the Dems would "shove it up their a--" in the next election...