Bill Moyers Journal
December 11, 2009
Things were livelier than one might expect at the American Bankers Association's annual meeting in October 2009. Protestors gathered on the streets of Chicago, mobilized by what they see as fundamental injustice in the aftermath of the bank bailout: large financial institutions are posting huge profits and awarding their employees big bonuses, while home foreclosures across the country continue to climb.
George Goehl, whose organization National People's Action helped organize the protests and Heather Booth of Americans for Financial Reform join Bill Moyers on the JOURNAL to explain why people are angry with the banks, and what they believe community groups can change across the country and in Washington, D.C. can read the
transcript or watch the whole segment on
video The video has some really good coverage of the protests in Chicago.
Community organizing in action.
Just photos:' websites:
(George Goehl )
(Heather Booth )

Photograph by James Warden