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When Prisoners Work the System Works

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Daveparts still Donating Member (614 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-14-09 10:26 AM
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When Prisoners Work the System Works
When Prisoners Work the System Works

"Arbeit macht frei" is a German phrase meaning "work brings freedom" or "work shall set you free/will free you" or "work liberates" and, literally in English, "work makes free". It became the unofficial slogan of Nazi concentration camps, as the prisoners would enter the camp they would see the wrought iron sign over head and would savor its message.

If I do what these people are compelling me to do I might regain my freedom. But it was a mixed message while the prisoner interpreted as regaining his freedom his slave masters read it another way work makes free. Your work makes products free for that is the essence of slave labor compelled indentured or forced labor. The Nazi’s employed hundreds of thousands in their war machine for these slaves were captured prisoners or undesirables or both and it was essential to keep them busy for the good of the state.

For unlike America the Germans looked down their noses on Rosy the riveter they preferred the ladies to stay home to make babies for the next generation master race. But the Reich needed labor so what’s a Fuhrer to do? The Japanese as well had huge programs of forced labor during world war two and thousands died at the hands of their slave masters. It would be easy enough to assume that their slave masters were wantonly cruel but that misses the point completely, it is the nature of slavery to dehumanize the slave.

The slaves of the American old south were purchased property their owners had a monetary investment in them while they could be wantonly cruel if they wanted to it didn’t make sense from a business standpoint. The Germans and the Japanese had tens of thousands of prisoners if they didn’t move fast enough or work hard enough they could easily be dispatched and another was available to take their place. The guards however lowly their stations in life were gods above their charges and the slaves live their lives between threats and promises.

Both regimes had their reasoning and tried to explain away their crimes with veiled excuses of work and training programs. The prisoners were being relocated to safer areas of Germany to protect them from allied air raids or the prisoners were being moved to Japan in empty transports where more food was available. All slave masters can explain away their crimes except for one, how is it that you are paid for your work and they are not?

The Gulags in Soviet Russia chewed through tens of thousands of prisoners being reeducated and instructed in the correct way to view their government. They weren’t slaves at all; they were students being reeducated. It wasn’t a mine or a rock quarry but a campus and no one could tell how long it might take to graduate after being trained or reeducated.

A convoy of British merchant ships reached the port Archangel Russia with war supplies for the embattled Russians. The crew relieved after a harrowing trip through storms and past U boats threw the mooring line on the dock and a crewman yelled “Three cheers for our Russian Allies!” The men on the dock didn’t move or make a sound but stared back emotionless. The angry British seaman yelled back, “All right then to hell with you bloody bastards” when a Russian translator whispered under his breath, “They’re prisoners they have no right to answer you.” The sailor looked back and replied, “In that case then you’re all still bloody bastards.”

The sailor grasped the difference they weren’t prisoners they were slaves and he was fighting a war for freedom. But we won that war didn’t we, the Nazi and Japanese war machines were smashed and even the Soviet Union fell. Let freedom ring, no more would slaves would make goods under harsh conditions compelled to work at what ever or where ever they’re told for little or no wages.

In America we have Sam’s club but not the one you’re thinking of this Sam’s club is Uncle Sam’s club and you get to be a member by being convicted of a Federal crime. Unicor is a government corporation of the Federal Prison industries whose purpose is to train and educate prisoners and fight recidivism. This is not the old convict chain gang cutting grass or picking up trash or even making license plates.

This is a high tech operation with over 20,000 employees/ prisoners producing thousands of products at over fifty locations. Their motto is, “When Prisoners work the System works” Yes indeed the system does work "work makes free.” Need furniture or shelving? How about linens? Document storage and retrieval got you down? Need a new handbook or manual written? How about eyeglasses? How about advanced electronics or wiring harnesses. Unicor can provide it all and I swear they said it, they offer, “an escape proof guarantee!”

I’m sorry, Unicor by law, may only sell its products to Federal departments, agencies, government institutions, and their authorized contractors or representatives. Hmmm, authorized contractors or representatives. I wonder who that would be? General Dynamics? Sure! Lockheed Martin? Why not! Haliburton? Of course! They are after all government contractors and when Haliburton builds a rec room in Doha guess who makes the furniture and the kitchen fixtures and the table cloths and the plastic food trays and the cups and even the plastic ware, that’s right federal prisoners.

Remember all those nasty stories about Werner Von Braun and slaves being forced to build V2 rockets? Take three guesses who builds wiring harnesses for the Patriot missile systems. Say are you setting up a new government in a far away land and need office furniture? That’s right Unicor can help. Are you setting up a new Army and in need of Uniforms and Helmets? Body armor, body armor, body armor! We have got your body armor and we can ship from our Yazzoo City Mississippi location in 30 days or less. Unicor is a veritable shopping mall of savings. But Unicor, how can you keep prices so low? We use virtual slave labor and pass the savings on to you!

Unicor wages start at .23 cents an hour and with the right work ethic and persistence our prison laborer can work his way up to almost $1.15 and hour! But wait! We don’t actually pay them that! Don’t be silly, we give them only a fraction of that to spend at the canteen. You see when prisoners work the system works and the system runs the canteen. Now lets say our prisoner owes a $5000.00 Federal fine at 23 cents an hour working eight hour days with no vacations he can pay that off in just seven and a half years. But wait, he owes $200.00 a month child support so we take his months pay of $36.80 and apply that towards his child support and he’s only in the hole $163.00 a month plus his fine! It’s the old company store gambit! With a twist!

A slave that owes money for every month he works so why bother? "Arbeit macht frei" You want a parole don’t you? You want to get out of here some day don’t you?
Well they certainly aren’t going to give parole to those who refuse to work now are they? Besides with hard work you might work your way up to that top wage of $188 dollars a month less child support fine and taxes of course.

What excuse could a government of a free country use to explain away slave labor?
Why what else, good government! You see every dollar spent with Unicor they claim eliminates $6.51 in law enforcement, court costs and recidivism plus we teach them a trade. Of course the neglect to mention that every dollar spent with Unicor is a dollar taken out of the civilian economy and from employers, you know people who pay real wages who must now compete with slave labor.

But wait, we have cooperative ventures where private companies work with Unicor
To provide you with the best in slave labor industries! Amerimac/ Unicor Ltd. Provides promotional items and yes even the famous license plates (sorry, no letter openers or pocket knives). But not the ones with numbers on them only the novelty plates like. “I make a fortune with slave laborers ask me how?" How about signs and badges? Unicor in conjunction with 2/90 signs can bring you a wide assortment of designs and colors.

From their website 2/90 signs claims “OUR PEOPLE are our biggest asset, because without skilled and dedicated employees any company’s product quality and level of service is compromised. The vast majority of people at 2/90 have more that seven years experience with the company, and many individuals have 15 to 30 years tenure.” I imagine some have 15 to life.

But what about outsourcing? Unicor can help! What if I’ve just moved my factory overseas? Then let Unicor help you set up a call center! After all that’s why we advertise ourselves as the best kept secret in outsourcing, “With more fulfillment work going outside the U.S.A., it might be time for you to team up with Unicor / Federal Prison Industries” Be it direct mail services, Inventory Management, Product order fulfillment, Warehousing Distribution management Unicor can handle it.

Reverse Logistics and Distribution Outsourcing, Assembly and packaging, repackaging, sorting services, pick/pack operations and inventory management. Sam’s club is here for you! All our manufactured goods are proudly made in the USA.

In its mission statement The Federal Prison industries calls to employ and provide skills training to the greatest practicable number of inmates confined within Federal Bureau of Prisons contribute to the safety and security of our Nation's correctional facilities by keeping inmates constructively occupied; produce market-price quality goods for sale to the Federal Government; operate in a self-sustaining manner; and minimize FPI's impact on private business and labor.

Inmate workers 21,205
Percent of eligible inmate population employed 18%
Employment goal 25%
Factories 108
Distribution of FPI’s revenues
staff salaries 18%
Inmate salaries 5%
Purchase of materials and supplies from vendors and other general and administrative expenses 77%

Total assets $730,776* 2006 up from $ 622,906 * 2005 *Dollars in thousands

Gross profit $75,137,000.

Or "work makes free".
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BB1 Donating Member (671 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-14-09 11:20 AM
Response to Original message
1. Buy American!
Keep thy neighbour in gaol.

Sick numbers. Why even bother with waging war abroad, if it's going so well inside the country already?
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Dr.Phool Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-14-09 11:51 AM
Response to Original message
2. K&R

You had some people on this board a couple of months ago, defending a Democratic Governor (Strickland) in Ohio, for laying off union building maintenance workers and replacing them with inmate labor.

How far has this country and this party fallen?

:puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke:
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Lost Jaguar Donating Member (193 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-14-09 01:51 PM
Response to Original message
3. Achtung, baby...
...a new world is rising. Tomorrow belongs to me. Why should I care about these untermensch? I'm not a kriminal, I'm a good citizen.

Many, many years ago, in the early eighties, I read the notorious "Turner Diaries." The fascist fantasy reaches near fullfillment when the protagonists realize that they shouldn't kill more of the lowly races, because they need slave labor. Reasonable minds prevail over those consumed by bloodlust, and the remaining untermenschen are spared for the work camps.

Are we doomed to repeat these horrible cycles of tyranny and dread? Is it something we carry in our genes? Remember Sam Peckinpah's great anti-war film, "Cross of Iron?" It concludes with Brecht's quote: "...though the world has stood up and stopped the bastard, the bitch that bore him is in heat again."
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JonQ Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-14-09 08:00 PM
Response to Original message
4. Bit of a stretch to compare US prison-labor programs
to the gulags or Dachau.
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winyanstaz Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-14-09 08:27 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. A stretch? Hardly a stretch...more like a skip and a hop.....
Edited on Mon Dec-14-09 08:27 PM by winyanstaz
There is little difference to the slavery behind bars we have going on in America today and any other gulag or camp.
Prisoners are abused, malnourished, denied medical and even tortured and killed. So tell me..what's so different? Oh that's right..we pay them ....umm a couple of cents an hour.
There are non-violent prisoners doing the same jobs and slave labor as violent offenders...and in the end they all lose some humanity. Many non-violent prisoners learn to be violent as a matter of survival.
America...the Land of Slavery behind bars...and despair on main street...Land of the Bush Tent Cities and Obamavilles......the land of the Not so Free.
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JonQ Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-14-09 08:31 PM
Response to Reply #5
6. No, it's completely different
ask anyone who lived through the labor camps or gulags if they'd rather redo their stint there, or work in a prison here. Take a guess at what their answer may be.

We have yet to work millions to death, we let them go after they've served their sentence (which is something other than "until you die from being overworked"). The conditions cannot be compared.
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Daveparts still Donating Member (614 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-14-09 09:20 PM
Response to Reply #6
8. Eugene Debs, Prison Labor 1898
Edited on Mon Dec-14-09 09:20 PM by Daveparts still
"Serious as is the problem presented in the subject of our discussion, it is yet insignificant when compared with the vastly greater question of the effect of our social and economic system upon industry and trade.

The pernicious effect of prison contract labor upon “free labor,” so called, when brought into competition with it in the open market, is universally conceded, but it should not be overlooked that prison labor is itself an effect and not a cause, and that convict labor is recruited almost wholly from the propertyless, wage-working class and that the inhuman system witch has reduced a comparative few from enforced idleness to crime, has sunk the whole mass of labor to the dead level of industrial servitude.

It is therefore with the economic system, which is responsible for, not only prison labor, but for the gradual enslavement and degradation of all labor, that we must deal before there can be any solution of the prison labor problem or any permanent relief from its demoralizing influences."
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JonQ Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-14-09 11:06 PM
Response to Reply #8
12. Well, the US in 1898
is exactly the same as the US in 2009. Really I challenge anyone to find one single difference between the two times.
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winyanstaz Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-14-09 09:41 PM
Response to Reply #6
9. your so right....we are so much better because we dont kill them all....
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JonQ Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-14-09 11:05 PM
Response to Reply #9
11. Or any really
would you prefer to be in a prison in the US, or dachau in the 40s?
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winyanstaz Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-15-09 12:32 AM
Response to Reply #11
14. I spent 4 years in prison as a child...
Edited on Tue Dec-15-09 01:02 AM by winyanstaz
I was a runaway kid...trying not to get raped by my stepfather...
I ran away three times..never more than a few hours each time (it was a small town..not many hiding places)..and then I was sentenced to a reform school for being a runaway. NO one..not even the judge asked me why I ran away. I never was asked anything and I was far too frightened and shy to speak up on my own back then.
They took me to the prison and cut off all my hair...processed me and I was left there for 4 years (the original time was 10 months..but they found my home "unfit" I became a ward of the state..and my little sisters and brother were left in the home to be raped and abused.
During that time I was beaten with a board until I passed out and my back was bleeding, locked in a cell for 28 days in darkness so bad I couldn't see my hand in front of my face..fed water and oatmeal in a small paper cup in the morning, water and vegetable soup in a small paper cup each night because I tried to go home to see if my baby sisters were alright (he was raping them too by then) and dragged by the administrator by my hair after I came too after he beat me...and thrown into a new cell for another two weeks to lie alone in my own blood....for marking the days I was in that cell on the wall of the cell.
I was forced to work for the administrator and his wife (as were all the girls)(besides we had to do all the chores which was everything needing to be done to run a huge place like that..and including working long hours in the fields) to make things for them to sell...supposidly to build a new "chapel" on the grounds..(that never happened..they built a office with a great view instead) we girls were worked like dogs, USED like slaves and treated like shit.
I mustn't forget to include the gang fights and girls being forced to wash carpeting with toothbrushes until their hands bled..and all the other crap that went on with the guards and the handyman either. Tons of fun there too.
All for trying to be a good little girl and not letting the only "daddy" I had ever known rape and beat on me and trying to get help for my little sisters.
It took over 30 years before my beaten and raped and abused sisters could find the strength to face a judge and a jury and their abuser and put him away.
It took over 30 years but the State of Wyoming and the judge apologized to me for destroying 4 years of my childhood, abusing me and ruining my reputation in that small town. They also apologized to my sisters for failing them.
They never did apologize for forcing me into an arranged marriage at the age of 18 either...after all..they were my "wards."
A few words of apology...that took us over half our lifetimes to hear.
No one knows what that ment to us.
Many the day I would have gladly died while there in that hell-hole.
You have absolutely no idea of the horrors and abuse children suffer in those places.
I am sure the adult prisons are every bit as bad..and yes...girls committed suicide and some snapped and were put into the state nuthouse.....people do die in Americas prison and often from abuse by guards as well as the other inmates, lack of health care needs etc.
So don't ask me where I would rather be in prison.
Stop making excuses and step up and speak out to help to change the mess we have.
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JonQ Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-15-09 12:51 AM
Response to Reply #14
15. Yeah, sorry you're trying to compare that to the dachau labor camp
or soviet gulags. Just doesn't work.

Anyone who thinks what happens in the US is anything like those two atrocities is either A) ignorant, or B) overwhelmed with hatred of the US that they are no longer thinking clearly.
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winyanstaz Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-15-09 01:06 AM
Response to Reply #15
16. I dont hate America...I hate the mess we are in..
Edited on Tue Dec-15-09 01:11 AM by winyanstaz
you forgot C)... has already experienced American jails.
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JonQ Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-15-09 01:10 AM
Response to Reply #16
17. Sure, yeah
let me know when we work tens of millions to death through a combination of terrible work conditions and very little food (and of course no medical care or basic sanitation) for the crime of not being well liked by the current regime. When that happens then I will acknowledge that US prison systems are no different then the holocaust or gulag system.
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winyanstaz Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-15-09 01:13 AM
Response to Reply #17
18. Well I am a Native American whos tribe was almost wiped out
Edited on Tue Dec-15-09 01:13 AM by winyanstaz
by your American government's "care" that wont be so hard to do now will it?
p.s. I will not be baited by you any longer so your posts will now be ignored.
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JonQ Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-15-09 01:17 AM
Response to Reply #18
20. OMG! We are currently committing genocide against the natives!
I thought that had ended years ago, I had no idea the trail of tears was a modern event. Alert the presses!
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Jim Sagle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-15-09 01:16 AM
Response to Reply #15
19. You're all heart, JonQ. Don't ever let anyone tell you any different.
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JonQ Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-15-09 01:19 AM
Response to Reply #19
21. I prefer
Edited on Tue Dec-15-09 01:21 AM by JonQ
to think with my brain, rather than my heart. And that (along with volumes of historic evidence) suggests that perhaps the US isn't the worst place in the world, nor are our prisons the most horrific to ever exist. Perhaps if I listened to my heart (a muscle with no capacity for thought) then I would agree with the premise of the OP. Or perhaps if I listened to a lump of clay, I would get the same answer.

I choose reason, logic, and facts however over idiocy. Just my opinion though.

Of course if we're simply talking about empathy, well I would say that equating US prisons with the holocaust does a great disservice to those who actually lived through the holocaust. So there is no kindness done to them by denigrating what they went through with childish and politically based comparisons to lesser events.

I twisted my ankle the other day, I suppose I really know now what the inquisition was like.
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Joanne98 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-14-09 08:32 PM
Response to Original message
7. UNICOR is a huge scandal! Thanks for posting
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DemReadingDU Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-14-09 10:24 PM
Response to Original message
10. Debtors prisons

I'm thinking as more people lose jobs, have no income nor savings, lose their house, have huge mortgage and maxed out creditcards, that the government could bring back 'debtors prisons' as a way to deal with all the unpaid debt by putting these people to work doing whatever needs to get done.

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bertman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-15-09 12:12 AM
Response to Original message
13. Holy Fucking Shit!!! The Nazis are still running the show. Only some subhuman sociopath
could come up with a scheme like that and make it happen.

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