Dear Abby,
I'm a not-so-young country lass whose been trying to met the right Health Care guy for a long time. Recently I met "Bill" (not his real name) and felt that finally I'd met the right guy.
At first, Bill seemed everything a country girl could wish for. But Bill disappointed me one night when he told me he could never be a "single-payer" kind of guy. He said it wasn't realistic in today's world for a girl to expect a guy to be single-payer.
I know lots of girls who have single-payer guys so naturally I was very disappointed. Bill said he was sorry but that I had to be realistic. He said that a public option type of guy was every bit as good as a single-payer and that I should settle for him as he was.
I decided he was right and we continued seeing each other but now he's saying that he's beginning to think he's not a public option kind of guy either.
So I told him I was thinking about breaking off our relationship. But he says that he's the type of guy that comes along only once in a generation and that if I leave him, I will have blown my chance, and that no one else will want me. Ever.
What do you think I should do?
Wondering in the U.S.
Dear Wondering in the U.S.
When a woman gets older sometimes she feels she must settle for what she can get. I'm sure he seems tempting now, but how will you feel about him after you've lived together for a few years? And how will you feel about yourself?
Most of the women I'd known who have settled have later looked back with regret. So I think you'll be better off if you find the self-respect and courage to tell Bill to take a walk. I'm sure the right man will come along sooner or later if you remain true to yourself and to what you know is right.