Here's the most rational, logical, and intelligent piece of writing you'll ever see on all of this stuff. Forget Kyoto, Copenhagen, Summits, Forums, Debates.
It's all right here, plain and simple. Many Colors of Green
White. The color of the rapidly melting ice caps, which are ceasing to be polar bear habitat and becoming…
Blue. The color of rising water tables which threaten the existence of entire cities, which are full of people who would like to do something about this except for the color…
Red. The color of the figurative tape, blocking meaningful progress on all of these issues. And then there’s…
Brown. The color of the muddy water created by hurricanes, floods and tsunamis around the world, reminding us all of the fact that the Earth is alive, and we are alive only at its mercy. A reminder that the consequence-free industrial frat party is over, and it’s time to clean up, sober up, and grow up.
After all, when a giant floating orb provides you with clean air, water, food and handy little luxuries like gravity, an ozone layer and the only known habitable conditions for the existence of your species in the universe, it seems only fair to treat such a generous orb with a little respect.
It seems rather obvious that when a species possesses self-awareness, scientists and the power of observation that such a species would want to do something when all of the above rather profoundly point to the imminent destruction of the delicate conditions which allow us to survive. Or, to be less verbose: Living good, dying… not quite as good.
“That’s the whole secret to life… not dying.” – The late George Carlin
So when you find yourself overwhelmed with green rhetoric. Green this, green that, green-shift, green-tax, green-energy, green technology. Remember, that there’s a lot more colors involved, and a lot more at stake then any election, or poll, or blog post, could ever tell you.