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Sarah Palin's climate change flip-flop

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steven johnson Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-19-09 06:42 AM
Original message
Sarah Palin's climate change flip-flop
We imported $46 billion worth of foreign oil and petroleum products in 2009. The economic stimulus package investments of $80 billion in clean energy could produce up to as much as $150 billion in clean energy products. President Barack Obama is now calling for new federal incentives to make millions of homes more energy efficient creating jobs, saving money and reducing pollution.

Sarah Palin sits on thin ice. Her 'drill baby drill' energy philosophy has all the foresight of those Wall Street home loan bankers ten years ago.

Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution atmospheric CO2 has increased by one-third to 387ppm, the highest level in 420,000 years. With the increased risks of disease, wars, terrorism, and environmental crises, Sarah Palin's myopic perspective shows little foresight and reflects a reversion to denial of our petroleum addiction.

As President Obama tries to curb global warming in the hothouse of Copenhagen, Sarah Palin has butted in to claim that climate change occurs naturally "like gravity," while warning that reducing greenhouse gas emissions will mean "job losses" and "economic costs."

The hot air emitted by Palin takes off from two unflattering assumptions: Americans have the attention span of hummingbirds, and can be counted on to forget even recent history.

The political advantage is to inflame the national mood rather than talking sense to the American people. Boil national energy policy down to a sound bite: "Drill baby drill."

Meanwhile, the fossil fuel economy -- e.g., America's addiction to foreign oil -- drains resources and finances dictators.

Sarah Palin's climate change flip-flop
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NecklyTyler Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-19-09 07:57 AM
Response to Original message
1. Sarah Palin is such a mental midget, she honestly doesn't realize she flip flopped
Palin thinks, "The climate changes from spring to winter, so I am keeping up with my opinion about the weather."
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