One of the things that gets to me - a pasty white boy from Trailer Trash Nation (NH is one of the whitest states in the country)- is that my relatives in particular ("DAR qualified" Anglos, ethnic French-Canadian and Portugese) who bark the "speak English" meme constantly grew up in or around households where a 2nd language was often spoken. I have a close relative in a nursing home with a number of Haitian aides, and Meme' hears them gossiping in Haitian French - she gets upset because her Canadian French leaves her, and her dementia, unsure of who they are gossiping about, and she can't eavesdrop as well as she'd like. Another one goes on about "towelheads", but his favorite drinking spot is the Polish Club, and he won't miss a Greek Orthodox church supper.
Boy, do some of Chris Rock's rants on race and culture ring true for me - like this; Plug Nitwit into this in place of N_______, and it sho' do fit. Chris sez: "The worst thing about a "nitwit" is that he wants credit for doing (or being -my edit) something that a decent person would'nt think twice about" (at 2.10 in the clip).
IMHO, that is exactly what BillO, Lyin' Lou, and Cryin' Boi are bitchin' about - That they are soon to lose the advantage of: Being white, being male, and speaking a limited vocabulary of American English. Collateral to this is that they are less likely to be a "ROB" or "SOB" (relative of boss) - And sadly, that is about all a lot of these losers have "going for them".
My grandmothers were Hmong, and they never told me... I was in Wisconson, on a bad errand for the corporate swine who employed me at the time. I was chillin with the shoprats at morning break, and they were bitching about the Laotian Hmong people who had been resettled here (for thier own safety, after their tribe worked as mercenaries for the CIA). Most of what they were whining about was that the Hmong (who are country folk and farmers) went a little wild with gardening - Like the whole yard of the apartment building they'd been moved into, and some misguided attempts at indoor horticulture. The whole time these losers are whining, I'm thinking of my grandmothers, with their big gardens and cellars full of home-canned food. And the cookie jar that was never empty, because you never knew who would turn up hungry.
I love the real, rainbow, multicultural America, because the food's awesome, and it's a better place to live than "Trailer Trash Nation".