In response to the SVN Editorial Board’s editorial, “A few more promises for feds to keep, (” printed Wednesday, demanding from the federal government everything under the sun as a prerequisite to sell the Thomson prison:
First, let us assume that the Thomson village government will not be reimbursed for any and all infrastructure costs, with interest, that it incurred in connection with the prison’s construction a decade ago. Why should the nation’s taxpayers subsidize Gov. George Ryan’s bad decisions? Should we still turn down the jobs that opening Thomson prison under federal control would bring to the area? No!
Second, let us assume that the area police agencies, most of which are on tight budgets, will receive federal grants to maintain and boost their protection in the vast rural area surrounding the new Thomson federal prison. That assumption is based on the reality that the international press will be making camp in, and around, the prison, as the federal government moves forward with the planned prosecution of the Guantanamo Bay detainees.
Third, it is a silly demand to put out our hands and ask for additional federal money to be set aside to help schools, fire departments, and other local units of government to deal with any issues, foreseen and unforeseen, arising from the new federal prison and the possible influx of employees’ families. Tax those employees, and their families, and quit asking other states to foot a bill that local residents should be paying, themselves!
Fourth, the Illinois Department of Corrections shouldn’t receive a single grant to upgrade other existing state prisons, as a condition to sell Thomson. There was no prospect of putting the $140 million, state-of-the-art prison into operation. The state is broke.
The SVN Editorial Board has, unfortunately, opted to look a gift horse in the mouth – to the great detriment of the local area. Local residents should be proud to be able to participate in the Global War on Terror in such a historical manner, and thankful for the jobs that will soon be heading our way.