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"On TREASON you can wretch on" ...The War on the Public Option

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KoKo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-22-09 10:28 AM
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"On TREASON you can wretch on" ...The War on the Public Option
Edited on Tue Dec-22-09 10:40 AM by KoKo
On TREASON you can wretch on

Or J'Accuse 2009

Any reservations I may have had about the public option have been removed by the constant squeals and attempts at shady backroom deals by corporate insurance greed piggies seeking to end it, and failing that, to sabotage it. If corporate insurance is that dead set against it, then it must have something going for it, and it apparently does:

 The public option is favored by a majority of Americans as proven by several polls, such as by the New Times/ CBS (72% in favor) and NBC/Wall Street Journal (80% in favor) polls (Both 6/09); Blog for Our Future (83%) (6/15/09). These, and other, polls mesh nicely with the public’s increasing disapproval of both Obama, who is increasingly being viewed as a treasonous sell-out, and his healthcare reform (increasingly viewed likewise).

 The public option is cost-saving (lower overhead) and means fewer dollars on management and more on medicine.
 The public option would help keep for-profit insurance in line offering true competition instead of the current faux competition among themselves.
 The public option offers the opportunity for coverage to people who have been unable to get private/employer insurance.
 The public option can save money for struggling businesses freeing up capital to create jobs.
 The public option could rely on the established Medicare infrastructure and not require high paid executives to run it.
 The public option would have sufficient leverage to negotiate lower prices from medical industry businesses.
 The public option is so popular that 57% would pay increased taxes to have it.

 Corporate insurance estimates that 119 million of their now captive policyholders will flee their oppressive death grip and seek asylum with the public option. Of course, the watered down and trigger-raped version would do no such thing, but the Corporate Insurance Syndicate knows that they are so criminal that an expansion of the public option would be inevitable.

 Since it is an OPTION you can choose not to use it and continue getting screwed by private insurance instead. This is the one real advantage the public option has over single payer. It has a built-in airbag, or more accurately, emergency ejector seat built into it. If for some unforeseen reason it turns out to suck, people can choose private insurance. When someone bitches and moans about the commie pinko, socialized medicine, public option, one can always inquire “Well, why don’t you choose something else? Afterall, it IS just an option, asshole.” With single payer, you just have to stand there and listen to them bitch. Disagreeing with them will only get you yelled at.

Insurance and healthcare corporate monopolies alike know that the public option is the lynchpin of all healthcare reform, not just merely the component called “the public option.” The public option is the enforcer of all other reforms. The diversionary abortion melee was merely a smokescreen providing cover for the plundering of the Public Option Prize.

While re-regulation is a vital part of reform, healthcare corps are not too concerned with their well-deserved regulatory punishments, since they will merely invent a brand new method of raping the public for each crime spree regulatorily ended. They know they deserve far worse. If I were writing the legislation, they would have received the “Chinese FDA” option, named after how the Chinese handled bribery by the head of their version of the FDA: they shot him. Under my bill, any attempt to undercut healthcare reform by shunting the burden of compliance back onto consumers and/or healthcare workers would be met with the back wall of the culpable institution used as a backstop for a firing squad for the top two levels of management of said organization, repeated as often as was necessary to insure compliance. Since pre-emptory strikes have been added to self-defense as acceptable defenses to homicide, this should be a legal new legislative reality creation.

The public option contains the corporate blowback from enforcement of the regulatory components of healthcare reform (most of which are pretty good, except, of course, tort deform and the corporate health insurance mandate extortion). The public option is the enforcer. It is the legal firing squad. It is the bodyguard against would-be corporate retaliation. What I am trying to say is it prevents the newly regulated healthcare industry from simply re-channeling their increased regulatory costs back onto consumers, at least as much as they would like to. Imagine the squealing of greed pigs unable to scarf down million dollar bonuses. Oh, the inhumanity of it all….

The fear of a mass exodus to a government insurance option is the only thing that will keep our brothers and sisters over in corporate insurance and healthcare honest. It sure as hell won’t be some sort of new found spirit of moral cooperation and love of their fellow Americans, that heart and common sense of decency that Obama vainly tried to tap. Without it, we will be locked in a futile eternal battle exactly similar to the infamous Little Dutch Boy, who heroically tried to plug all the holes in the dam. No sooner than he plugged one hole, another one appeared. Alas, he ran out of fingers and toes and the dam burst, drowning him and the countryside New Orleans-style.

Obama has mandated the public option whether he knows it or not. If not, well, the healthcare debacle that passes will be in the history books as the reason for his one-term presidency, and, possibly the reason that the party fka “The Democratic Party” joined its rival party in the sewer.

Obama has betrayed us.

THE main difference between Obama and Hillary was the disingenuous claim that Obama’s healthcare reform plan contained a government option. This was THE main reason I chose Obama over Clinton. Betrayal is far, far, more egregious than simply being wrong. Let him win the next election solely with the help if his newfound Corporate Insurance/Pharma bed buddies. We should all take a vow that no matter how artificially close the rigged polls may say the presidential race in 2012 supposedly is, we will not give him one dime or one second of time. Sure, we MAY vote for him, while holding our noses, but only as a lessor of two traitorous bloodsucking evils. We should contribute ONLY to progressive candidates and organizations, which, of course, excludes Judas Obama, Benedict Barack, or the Sell-Out in Chief.

Urge all of your reps to vote NO! Just as Howard Dean correctly instructed, and explain the reasoning and consequences behind your request.

This is extremely difficult for me to say, not only as a supporter of Obama, but because it means that jt was (largely) right. Two excruciating shots to the groin in rapid succession. Unfortunately, he is also right about the "pass it now - revisit it later" urban legend. Without concessions of the insurance mandate extortion level, there is no way in Corporate Hell that a public option, Medicare buy-in, or even a "flip Corporate Insurance the bird free pass", will ever be passed by enough of the corporate whores currently shilling and soiling both sides of the Senate aisles (all of one side, and on the yellow stripe side of the other). Revisitation will only happen upon future electoral removal of enough of these senatorial sell-outs to enable democracy to work just enough to do what the proven majority wants them to do.

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” -Upton Sinclair

“Men of the same trade seldom meet but that it ends in a conspiracy against the public.” -Adam Smith
Submitted by SnoopDopeyDogg on December 21, 2009 - 3:39pm.

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existentialist Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-22-09 10:31 AM
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1. self-delete
Edited on Tue Dec-22-09 11:19 AM by existentialist
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NJmaverick Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-22-09 10:31 AM
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2. "THE main difference between Obama and Hillary "
sigh... some people still think it's the primaries.
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Doctor_J Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-22-09 11:33 AM
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3. Amazing how something favored by 80% of the public can't get passed
let's hope the revolution starts sooner rather than later.
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