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After Ripping Clinton And McCain, Obama Embraces Their Policies

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IndianaGreen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-22-09 09:05 PM
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After Ripping Clinton And McCain, Obama Embraces Their Policies
After Ripping Clinton And McCain, Obama Embraces Their Policies

In an interview with The Washington Post on Tuesday, President Barack Obama challenged his critics to identify any "gap" between what he campaigned on last year and the health care legislation Congress is on the verge of passing.

Critics, however, do have a few of his campaign pledges to point to. Most notably, Obama launched high-profile attacks against two of his campaign opponents for taking policy positions that are now reflected in the final Senate bill.

Obama made health care in general a major part of his campaign so that when he won, he could claim a mandate and push for reform during his first year.

In doing so, Obama savaged his primary opponent, Hillary Clinton, for arguing that people should be mandated to buy health insurance.

"If a mandate was the solution, we could try that to solve homelessness by mandating everybody buy a house," he said on a CNN morning show on Super Tuesday during the election. "The reason they don't have a house is they don't have the money. So our focus has been on reducing costs, making it available. I am confident that if people have a chance to buy high quality health care that is affordable, they will do so. And that's what our plan does, and nobody disputes that."

Obama ripped into his general election opponent, John McCain, for supporting a tax on private insurance, blanketing swing states with mailers and ads saying that McCain was raising taxes and that his plan would lead employers to drop coverage.

"He gives you a tax credit with one hand -- but he raises your taxes with the other," Obama said at the time. "Many employers will drop their healthcare plans altogether."
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TheCowsCameHome Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-22-09 09:07 PM
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1. That's what the previous post said, too.
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KoKo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-22-09 09:32 PM
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2. The more it goes on and the more is revealed ...the sadder it gets how we got this
President who promised so much...yet seems at every step to sell Dems down the river into the arms of the waiting Repugs.

I don't know. It makes many of us heart sick to see this fast and early caving from someone who promised so much to so many who were destitute looking for just one sliver of hope against McCain/Crazy Palin and those left almost exhausted after the 8 years of Bush II and even the horrors of the Clinton Impeachment.

It's disheartening to know that our Dem Party thought so little of our votes as to throw those of us who had been swimming on life rafts or slivers of wood all these years waiting for rescue...back into the arms of the Repugs...the ones who set us off to "sink, swim or die."

I can't forgive it. I will pray over Christmas to ask for forgiveness...but I can't forgive him for what he promised and how he's failed to deliver and time after time trashed those who worked so hard to bring him into office and our support ALL THESE YEARS for DEMOCRATIC PARTY who added "Insult to Injury" to us out here who gave up so much of our time and little money (compared to lobbyists) to bring Dems back to power and elect OBAMA...such an Historic Figure...AND THEY TRASHED US! TRASHED US..

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bertman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-22-09 11:25 PM
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3. Repeat after me "This is just how politics works". This is just how politics works.
This is just how politics works.

Now, don't you feel better?


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Vidar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-23-09 12:48 AM
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4. K&R.
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