Christmas Present?By convicted felon Oliver North | December 24, 2009
Scrooge came early on Christmas Eve this year -- and he looks strangely like Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Instead of "Bah humbug," he delivered the U.S. Senate's version of "Health Care Reform" -- the most expensive legislation ever passed by the Congress of the United States and the greatest expansion of government power in our nation's history. Now that's some Christmas present -- and a different way of celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.
If the Democrat majorities in the House and Senate succeed in cobbling together a final bill after the New Year, every American taxpayer will take a hit in the pocketbook and every Tiny Tim in the next generation can look forward to government rationed medical care. According to those who purport to speak for him, Mr. Obama is celebrating this "historic event," and they aren't talking about the nativity two millennia ago.
For reasons apparently obscure to Mssrs. Obama and Reid and Mrs. Nancy Pelosi, most Americans don't seem to be as pleased at their Christmas gift as those who gave it. Perhaps that's because "We the People" see the Senate's $848 billion stocking stuffer has a price tag that would choke a reindeer.
Actually, that's just the down payment. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the first decade of the Senate's bill will cost $2.5 trillion. Even the Magi couldn't imagine a gift this precious.
Those who voted for "Change!" last year may find that's all they have left in their pockets. Administration actuaries estimate that both the House and Senate bills will accelerate growing costs for medical care. The CBO calculates that annual health care premiums for middle-income Americans will go up by $300 for individuals and more than $2,000 for families. And, just in case you didn't notice, not getting health insurance is no longer an option. Higher costs may not have been on your Christmas list -- but the O-Team in Washington wants you to have them anyway.
Rest of article at:,15202,208039,00.html?wh=newsunhappycamper comment: "Even the Magi couldn't imagine a gift this precious."
No shit Ollie.
The 2010 military budget, including the occupations and the black budget is around a trillion dollars or so.
You fuckers are spending $1 million dollars per solder per year in Afghanistan. The price of gas delivered in Afghanistan is $400.
You fuckers bought 187 $355 million dollar F-22 Raptors that were built for the Cold War. And those Raptors don't like rain. And they corrode.
You fuckers are buying squadrons of $70 million dollar Ospreys without even thinking about the decks of the ships these things are supposed to land on. Or on how much maintenance these things take to fly.
You fuckers are praising the #239 million dollar F-35 Lightening (Joint Strike Fighter) while trying to figure how how to make it fly above 40,000 feet. And those wily congresscritters just allocated another half billion dollars for a second engine for this POS.
You fuckers just laid down the keel on an $11.5 billion dollar Ford-class aircraft carrier.
I suggest, sir, that the military budget is the problem.