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Mobilized in Motor City: How Detroit DSA works in the Democratic Party to affect change

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marmar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-28-09 02:03 PM
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Mobilized in Motor City: How Detroit DSA works in the Democratic Party to affect change
from In These Times:

Mobilized in Motor City
How Detroit DSA works in the Democratic Party to affect change.

By Seth A. Maxon

Democratic socialists in southeastern Michigan can do something most of their counterparts across the nation cannot: they can boast of electoral victories. Moreover, they possess a level of influence within the Michigan Democratic Party of which many American leftists dream. And they’ve done it all without compromising their beliefs or values.

Their success has come from working with, instead of against, local Democrats.

“It starts out with relationships,” says David Green, the chair of the Detroit chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), the organization that is a descendent of the Socialist Party of Eugene Victor Debs. He continues, “Mark Brewer, the chair of the Michigan Democratic Party, has a very good relationship with us. He’s spoken to our local several times. The chairs of the county parties, several of them are close friends as well.”

Since 1998, Detroit DSA, with about 250 members, has successfully partnered with local county chairs and other Democratic Party officials to promote and elect several progressive candidates to the Michigan state legislature. One of these candidates, State Rep. John Espinoza, was even elected in the heavily conservative “Thumb” region of the state. In 2004, with the backing of Detroit DSA, Espinoza became the first Democrat and the first Latino ever elected to represent Michigan’s 83rd District.

The secret to their success, says Green, is thinking strategically. ..........(more)

The complete piece is at:

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NoNothing Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-28-09 02:21 PM
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1. Definitely
When I think "success story," Detroit leaps immediately to mind.
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