Will a Small Group of U.S. and World Economists End Up Saving the World?
Chicago, Illinois. September 24th, 2009. While the pundits argued about whether Chicago would get to host the 2016 Olympics, they ignored the much more important issues being discussed at a Conference there on Monetary Reform, which could overwhelmingly impact the world’s people in a positive way.
What if there didn't have to be any wars? What if you could have peace and prosperity as every human's birthright? What if it was not that complicated, but relatively simple to achieve this? What if it wasn't about left or right, black or white, liberal or conservative? What if it was about freedom versus slavery, prosperity versus debt, peace versus war? What if the solutions weren't all that difficult and you could see world peace in your lifetime?
Do you think that is an impossible dream? One that only little children and demented utopianists could even imagine? Throw your cynicism to the wind and dare to think again. Think outside of the box. That’s what a small group of monetary reformers has been doing now for the last 8 years under the umbrella of the American Monetary Institute. The Institute is the brainchild of Stephen Zarlenga, who throughout his lifetime studied economics and wrote a book called “The Lost Science of Money,” which elucidates the history of how peace and prosperity has been achieved before, and most importantly, how we can achieve it again.
While Obama attended the G20 conference where the status quo glorified itself and showered itself with more power to abuse and denude the people of the earth of their wealth and productive earnings, bonafide honest and caring citizens of this planet worked on their benevolent plan to stop the plunder, and return the resources of the earth back to the productive, civilized and gentle inhabitants who deserve it.
If you were an academic, and wondered why there are wars in the world, and you studied the issue, you would eventually reach the same conclusion as the American Monetary Institute.
There are wars in the world because bankers/financiers/corporate globalists love wars, foment wars, encourage wars, finance wars, utilize the media to propagandize the public to accept wars, in order to get countries into more debt, so that they can collect the interest, and consolidate the world's real wealth and resources into a few elite's hands. These are the same international bankers controlling the issuance of most of the world’s money at interest through private central banks like the Federal Reserve.
So how do you end wars? You eliminate the Central Bank's control of governments’ money (the people’s money). The U.S. Central Bank is the Federal Reserve. Would you like to end it and bring control of the U.S. government back into the hands of the people via their elected representatives?
Congressman Dennis Kucinich is soon going to be sponsoring the American Monetary and Financial Security Act in the U.S. House of Representatives which is the outcome of all of this economic brainstorming.
It would briefly,
1. Nationalize the Federal Reserve and put it under Treasury - making it a government function and eliminating Private Bankers from the issuance of our money.
2. End the Fractional reserve banking system and replaces it with one that has a 100% reserve requirement (meaning banks can no longer print money into existence through loans). It would also cap interest on loans at 8%.
3. Spends U.S. dollars (not debt money) into the economy to stimulate it and provide financing for infrastructure projects.
Many world economists care about what happens with monetary reform in the United States, because they know that whatever happens here affects all of their countries as well. They want to work on monetary reform here, because it can happen here. We could be a good leader once again. We could be a beacon of light rather than the dark force of empire building and war.
These economists know that if the U.S. fails, there is no hope for their countries. They are willing to put time, effort and money into legislation to save America, in order to save themselves. Are you? Be a part of the solution. Support the AMI and this legislation. Their website is www.monetary.org.
Currently the bill is with Kucinich staffers being harmonized with existing law. It will be introduced in the House when this process is complete.
The future will be what we make it, with our love.