Source: BBC
ViewpointGreig Whitehead
For millions of people in Africa, climate change is a reality, says Greig Whitehead. However, as he explains in this week's Green Room, in religious nations such as Kenya, many believe that tackling global warming is beyond their control.
Kenya is a deeply religious country. Christians, Muslims and Hindus alike assemble for regular and often lengthy worship; prayers are offered up before and after every public meeting, and even before starting a cross-country "safari", the god of one's faith is called on to bless the journey.
So it comes as no surprise to hear a female pastoralist from the arid lands of North-East Kenya decrying the combined wisdom of the world's scientists, after being told that climate change is man-made.
"How can man change the climate and make it stop raining: it is God's will that has brought the drought," she utters.
But even with trust in the power of God, Kenya is a country on the brink of disaster.
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Interesting commentary on an all-too-common challenge to addressing global warming/climate change.