and passed a bill introduced by Darrell Issa of all people to defund ACORN. How embarrassing and revealing to find out that a majority of Members of Congress do not know the Constitution. Democrats, led around by their noses by ignorant Republicans on a witchhunt, have been thoroughly embarrassed regarding their knowledge of the Constitution, and their weakness in not standing up for what is right.
ACORN filed a suit against Congress in November and was handed 'a resounding victory' by the court, agreeing with the two Democrats who actually DID know the Constitution, Alan Grayson and Jerry Nadler, that Congress cannot single out a business and punish it without due process."It's a resounding victory for ACORN," he said. "I'd be surprised if the government decides to appeal."
"Today's ruling is a victory for the constitutional rights for all Americans and for the citizens who work through ACORN to improve their communities and promote responsible lending and homeownership," ACORN CEO Bertha Lewis said in a statement.
ACORN, or the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, is an organization that advocates for low-income and minority homebuyers and residents in communities served by its offices around the country.
Quigley said millions of dollars in funds should begin to flow again to ACORN next week. Judge Gershon said the "public will not suffer harm by allowing the plaintiffs to continue work on contracts duly awarded by federal agencies."
Justice Department spokeswoman Beverley Lumpkin said the agency was reviewing the decision and declined to comment further.
Where is their apology? From Congress, from Fox and that hateful, supremely intellectually challenged and disturbed liar, Breitbart and his two 'hero' :rofl: friends, who appear to be hiding from the media ever since they were sued.
Shame on Democrats, and shame on the media that published every lie told by the rightwingnuts about ACORN and didn't have the decency to publish these two victories.
Every time the right goes after ACORN, even though they lose in court, poor people lose desperately needed services.
Any further harrassment by the right against ACORN, should be reported to the authorities and then immediately start filing lawsuits. AFter they lose enough money, maybe then they'll get the message.
And there is no doubt in my mind that much of the anger directed at ACORN by the rabid right, is the result of racism.