Edited on Mon Jan-11-10 05:14 PM by JohnWxy
many years.
Republicans demanding harry reid step down, would seem to be indicating they give a damn about blacks (those who don't have money, that is. If you have money, Republicans "love" you).
I suggest you show your new found appreciation for diversity and the dignity and rights of others by stopping your unrelenting voter suppression campaign (which affects blacks and disadvantaged of any color more than middle class types). In the elections of 2000 and 2004 the GOP went to great efforts to keep people in poorer districts from voting. Sending out letters telling people to go to the wrong voting location, or telling people who have unpaid parking tickets they will be arrested if they show up at voting booths, are a couple of the methods used. Let's not forget the voter identification laws the GOP is pushing to make it more difficult for poorer people to pay for and obtain their RIGHT to vote. That is a GOP brainchild.
Then of course, there is the ongoing assault upon ACORN, an organization which infuriates the GOP because it registers many new voters, many of them black. THe GOP smoke screen for this assault is their contention that ACORN is guilty of voter fraud. In Nevada state authorities raided ACORN heaadquarters supposedly looking for evidence of voter fraud. What the media never told people was that the ACORN people had already flagged and sent questionable voter registration applications to the state board of electiions and had to ask for a meeting with that office (months after the questionable applications had been sent to that office) to see if the Board of Elections was doing anything with the questionable applications. Later it was determined that there was no evidence that ACORN was guilty of voter fraud .... but this fact was not given the media attention that the raid received. The raid was all a bit of theater to create a lingering suggestion in the minds of uncritical thinking people that ACORN was involved in voter fraud.
So GOP, if you are all so worked up about an insult to blacks, perhaps you would like to do something more substantive and REAL, like stopping your relentless campaign of voter suppression which hits the more disadvantaged (poor) people which includes disproportionately, many black people. Somehow, the expression "Don't hold your breath" comes to mind.