are growing indications that Mr. Murdoch, a lifelong conservative, doesn’t just want to cover politics, he wants to play them as well.
...adopting a more conservative tone, and editing and headlining articles to reflect a chronic skepticism of the current administration.
The pro-business, antigovernment shift in the news pages has broken into plain view in the last year. On Aug. 12, a fairly straight down the middle front page article on President Obama’s management style ended up with the provocative headline, “A President as Micromanager: How Much Detail Is Enough?”....
On Aug. 27, a fairly straightforward obituary about Ted Kennedy for the Web site was subjected to a little political re-education on the way to the front page. A new paragraph was added quoting Rush Limbaugh deriding what he called all of the “slobbering media coverage,” and he also accused the recently deceased senator of being the kind of politician who “uses the government to take money from people who work and gives it to people who don’t work.”
So who really are the Fascists?
Well they come from the right wing.
Look it up.
They are dominated by Corporations.
You can look that up too.
And you can bet they use corporate and right wing
money to spread their propaganda.
In this Fascist funded propaganda they call us
socialists. I submit that to any Fascist, any
one to the left of center is labeled a socialist.
That's how propaganda works.
But that they call us Fascists - - that's so
wrong headed it could have come out of the mouth
of Sarah Palin, I respectfully submit.
If it were up to me, I'd rename the subject article
Under Murdoch, Tilting toward the Fascists