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Tea Party turmoil in Nashville

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mgc1961 Donating Member (874 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-17-10 09:38 AM
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Tea Party turmoil in Nashville
"The national Tea Party convention scheduled to take place in Nashville next month — featuring Sarah Palin as its keynote speaker — fell into turmoil last week.

Tea Party Nation, the locally based group organizing the sold-out event, got its first taste of trouble Tuesday when a key volunteer announced he and others had quit the group. They claimed the event's $549 ticket price was designed to make a profit off the popularity of the grass-roots campaign.

By week's end, the national media were putting intense pressure on founder Judson Phillips after Tea Party Nation announced that only five, right-leaning media outlets would be allowed access to the event.

NBC News reported Friday, and The Tennessean confirmed, that Phillips, a Franklin attorney, had filed for Chapter 7 personal bankruptcy in 1999 and faced three federal tax liens since 2004 totaling more than $22,000."
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Clovis Sangrail Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-17-10 10:03 AM
Response to Original message
1. these idiots *deserve to be fleeced
Edited on Sun Jan-17-10 10:04 AM by Clovis Sangrail
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boomerbust Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-17-10 10:12 AM
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2. Visa/Mastercard
Is being accepted just in case the Tea Party gang is a little short on cash.:smoke:
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Bitwit1234 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-17-10 10:22 AM
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3. When you get right down to it....isn't every republican organization
out to make money off the public. If this so called tea party with it's tea bags was a grass root organization, then they would want all the little people they could get. They would set the price so all the little people could attend. But they don't want the little people, they make that clear. And the stupid tea bags just go on getting on and fall in line.
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underpants Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-17-10 10:42 AM
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4. No one at DU is surprised by this
that being said it will probably get almost no media attention

the tea baggers have from the start been a classic example of marketing in the modern age of media. It started with the "losers" rant by that idiot on CNBC and they had a website ready for his screed the next day. The direct ties to Koch oil money set off red alerts that were easily traceable.

Any one who has worked in a Dem campaign office knows how disorganized and semi-chaotic they can be. AND the first time most volunteers walk into the office they want to express their views on this and opinions on that, but the Dems are used to this... you listen and then ask them help contribute by either making phone calls or stuffing envelopes or, on the Obama campaign (an ingenious addition) go door to door. The Republicans aren't used to this in fact you would be hard pressed to find a single example of anyone on the national level (read TV) even mentioning "coming on down and volunteering". They have a hierarchy of information that established and is, in fact, part of their strategy model--the rabble will be told what to pay attention to and what to say.

So they try to create an organization from scratch and look who shows up to take the lead-slimy second and third stringers who aren't allowed near the head table until now. AND look who swoops in to prey on the chaos of the gullible-Steele and Palin (both are jokes to anyone who isn't attached to their revenue creation).

The tea baggers even split in two a few months ago, the Tea Party Express and the Tea Party Patriots but there was almost no mention of it in the main stream media. It split the fundraising juggernaut that the RNC has held as their only real advantage going back to the New Deal. Regardless of the cadre of the choir that they created with their thinktanks and bulk-buy-publishing the only thing they had on their side was money and the image of manliness.

This is no great surprise and is a complete joy to watch.
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mgc1961 Donating Member (874 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-17-10 10:55 AM
Response to Reply #4
6. What struck a chord with me was this:
My parents recently received a forwarded e-mail about evil Democratic lawyers and Republican business acumen. Oh, and there was something or another about conservative's knowledge of history.

Um, ok.
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Raschel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-17-10 10:48 AM
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5. Three federal liens? No wonder he wants government out of his life!
Pay your bills bucko. Whatza matter, can't you "pull yourself up by your bootstraps"?
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