Rahm, Geithner and Summers must go
By Ron Mwangaguhunga
http://airamerica.com/politics/01-20-2010/time-spring/Scott Brown's surprise victory over Martha Coakley for Ted Kennedy's Senate seat was a wake-up call for all Democrats, especially as it comes on the heels of last November's stunning losses in Virginia and New Jersey. Things, quite frankly, are not looking good for Democrat party prospects in 2010's mid-term elections.
What to do? A leadership housecleaning might be in order after last night's debacle in Massachusetts. Clearly Senator Bob Menendez, who helms the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, didn't do a good job recruiting or supporting a strong candidate and Tim Kaine was nearly invisible at the Democratic National Committee. But the White House political brain trust, which should have provided a clear message throughout the campaign about why Coakley's election was so important to pushing Obama's agenda--and what that agenda is--should've been on the game if Coakley was that important to their agenda. Rahm Emanuel, in particular, deserves to be singled out. A housecleaning ought to begin with him.
Former Speaker of the House and Massachusetts Congressman Tip O'Neal used to say that all politics is local. Scott Brown's victory, however, was more than just local Bay State politics, it was a national race. The teabaggers, in endorsing Brown, made it so.
Obama needs someone like Howard Dean in the Chief of Staff position. Dean gets progressive populism--and how to organize around it, as he showed in the 2008 elections--and that is what the President will need to manage the political tides in 2010 and in 2012. While a cerebral tone, combined with populist fervor in his favor, worked in 2008, it will not work for the president in 2010. A 10.5 percent unemployment rate has frustrated people to such a degree that people want change in more than just the tone in Washington: they want change they can see in their bank accounts and touch with their time cards. This is a populism that Howard Dean understands and Rahm Emanuel and Tim Geithner and especially Larry Summers do not.