Jan. 20, 2010
Bush did everything bad for America but one thing he did good, never betrayed his neo con extremists who got him the Whitehouse by hook or crook.
Republicans are rejoicing and Democrats reeling in the wake of Scott Brown's stunning triumph in a special Massachusetts Senate election, a devastating Democratic defeat that triggered soul-searching within President Barack Obama's party.
You do not have to find the reasons. It is obvious even to a tenth grader. Those who voted for the Democrats and President Obama have understood that after all said and done, neo cons control America through their financial powers and Obama is just an interim puppet. The independent minded Democrats never went to the poll.
NY Times points out,"As expected, turnout was depressed for this special election compared with last year’s general election. About 54 percent of registered voters turned out, compared with 73 percent in November 2008. In President Obama’s strongest areas — towns where he received more than 60 percent of the vote — the number of voters was about 30 percent below 2008 levels. In the rest of the state, the number of voters was down just 25 percent. In Boston — one of the strongest areas for Democrats — the number voting fell 35 percent." "There are messages here. We hear those messages," senior Obama adviser David Axelrod said in an interview with MSNBC. "There is a general sense of discontent about the economy. And there is a general sense of discontent about this town. That's why we were elected."
What Mr. Axelrod never said is that those people who voted for President Obama in 2008 November, rejected the same person by boycotting the poll booth in January 2010 for betraying them.
All were hopes and then it followed by the accomodation of the same neo cons who casually call their President a Marxist. All America got is tolerance of the neo con agenda.
It all started one year back with gay bashing and the joint photo shoots with George Bush. It has all eneded on January 19th with the loss of Senator Kennedy's seat in MA!
Presient Obama, people voted for you for justice and reversal of neo con agenda that dominated Regan-Bush-Clinton-Bush era for 28 years. All that people got is a prematured Nobel Prize, a status quo maintenance regime, and hope that things will get changed.
Did the bank executives get punished for their massacre of the financial system? No. Did AIG executives get punished? No. Did GM pay for their problems? No. Did Iraq war end? No. Did Afghanistan war end? No. Do people have universal healthcare? No. Did the Bush's and Cheney's friends who plundered Iraq with fake contracts get punsihed? No. Did Pakistan get punished for hiding Osama Bin Laden? No. Did the people who brought American economy down creating a 10% unemployment get punsihed? No. Did racism stop from the extreme neo con corners of the country? No. Did America question Saudi Arabia for their indirect support to Islamic Militants? No. The list goes on and on....
Presient Obama how do you answer to a child whose father just lost his job and keeps looking at those big mansions of the bank executives who got rewarded with bonuses for plundering American economy? How do answer to those small business owners who are starving and starring at the trillions of dollars getting wasted on unncessary Government projects and university reserach grants?How do you justify the influx of foreign workers from other countries through H1B visa while Americans continue to lose their jobs? How do justify a $2.75 a gallon gas when people cannot even put food on the table for their families? Now do you answer those millions of Americans losing their homes because neo con mismanagement of American economy? How do you justify not prosecuting the culprit financial institutions, and instead bailing them out with trillions of tax payers'' money?President Obama look at how Bush treated his base. Look how Bush threw away all decency and did what the neo cons wanted him to do.
In politics, there is nothing called "good man." It is all about serving your own base and expanding the same. President Obama, it is time for reorganizing the democratic and independent base. Throw away the status quo mentality. Stop stipulating the innocense of the guilty neo cons. Stop being decent to those who plundered America in the name of conservatism. America voted for you in a silent revolution in the ballot. America wants change. America needs justice. http://www.indiadaily.com/editorial/21323.asp